Projet NO CoST
New tools for complexity: semantics and types
Nouveaux outils pour la complexité : sémantique et types


Offre de Post-Doc

Dernier ajout : mercredi 17 mai 2006. (français|English)

Articles de cette rubrique

Post-doc à l’université Paris-Nord

Date limite de candidature : 15 juin 2006

Mise à jour (6/07/2006) : le poste est pourvu.

A 12-month post-doc position is available at University Paris-Nord (Univ. Paris 13, LIPN), France, within the project :

New Tools for Complexity : Semantics and Types (NO-CoST)

( ?id_rubrique=5 )

This project is funded by the French national research agency (ANR) and the partner teams are LIPN and PPS. Its goal is to develop a semantic account of polynomial time computation, using game semantics, and to improve current implicit computational complexity systems for functional languages like : linear logic type systems for lambda-calculus, quasi-interpretations ... Applications of candidates with background in one/some of the following fields are welcome : implicit computational complexity / type systems for complexity, denotational semantics and games, linear logic, lambda-calculus.

The applicant should hold a PhD. To apply send your application (as soon as possible) including a CV, a list of publications and a statement of research, by email with subject line : "PostDoc position", to patrick.baillot’at’ or at the postal address below.

Deadline for application : june 15th 2006.

Suggested date of beginning : october 1st 2006.

Approximative gross salary : 2570 euro/month (so, net salary : roughly 2100 euro)

More information will be made available from : ?id_rubrique=19

Interested potential candidates can also contact Patrick Baillot (patrick.baillot’at’

address : P.Baillot, LIPN, Univ. Paris 13, Institut Galilee, 99 av. J.-B. Clement, 93430 Villetaneuse, FRANCE.