Erick Alphonse |
Associate Professor
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'université Paris-Nord
99, Av. Jean-Baptiste Clément
93430 Villetaneuse, France
Tél. : +33 1 49 40 36
Fax : +33 1 48 26 07 12
E-mail: |
Research interests:
Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Inductive Logic Programming
Combinatorics, Search and Heuristics
Text Mining and Information Extraction
Robert Bossy, Julien Jourde, Alain-Pierre Manine, Philippe Veber, Erick Alphonse, Maarten van de Guchte, Philippe Bessières, Claire Nédellec. BioNLP Shared Task - The Bacteria Track . BMC Bioinformatics/ 2012, *13*(Suppl 11):S3 (26 June 2012)
Érick Alphonse, Tobias Girschick, Fabian Buchwald, Stefan Kramer A Numerical Refinement Operator Based on Multi-Instance Learning. ILP 2010: 14-21
A.P. Manine, E. Alphonse, Ph. Bessières. Extraction of Genic Interactions with the Recursive Logical Theory of an Ontology. 11th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing'10), pages 549-563, 2010
E. Alphonse, Aomar Osmani: Empirical Study of Relational Learning Algorithms in the Phase Transition Framework. ECML / PKDD09, pages 51-66, 2009
E. Alphonse, A. Osmani. Analyse en moyenne de la complexité des algorithmes d’apprentissage relationnel. Journées Nationales de l’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, 2009 (en ligne)
E. Alphonse Étude
Empirique de la transition de phase en apprentissage relationnel.
CAP 2009, pp. 173-184, Cépaduès
A. Manine, E. Alphonse, P.
Bessières. Learning ontological rules to
extract multiple relations of genic interactions from text.
International Journal of Medical Informatics, Volume 78, Issue 12,
Pages 31-38, 2009, Elsevier
E. Alphonse, A. Osmani. On
the connection between the phase transition of the covering test and
the learning success rate in ILP. Machine Learning Journal, pages
135-150, Volume 70 , Issue 2-3, 2008, Kluwer
E. Alphonse, Aomar Osmani A
Model to Study Phase Transition and Plateaus in Relational Learning.
The 18th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming
(ILP 2008)
E. Alphonse. The
phase transition of the bounded ILP consistency problem. Late
Breaking Papers Track of the 18th International Conference of
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2008), 2008
E. Alphonse,
Aomar Osmani A problem generator to study heuristic search in
relational learning. CAP 2008, pp. 1-16, Cépaduès
Manine, Erick Alphonse, and Philippe Bessières, Information
extraction as an ontology population task and its application to
genic interactions, 20th IEEE Intl. Conf. Tools with Artificial
Intelligence, ICTAI'08., vol. II, pp. 74-81, 2008
Manine, Erick Alphonse and Philippe Bessières, Genic
interaction extraction by reasoning on an ontology, Third
International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine, SMBM 2008,
pp. 93-100, 2008
E. Alphonse, A. Osmani. Phase Transition and Heuristic Search in Relational Learning. Sixth Int. Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2007), pages 112-117, 2007, IEEE Computer Society
E. Alphonse, A. Osmani. On the connection between the phase transition of the covering test and the learning success rate. Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique, 2007, pp. 1-18, Cépaduès
E. Alphonse, C. Rouveirol. Extension of the Top-Down Data-Driven Strategy to ILP. Int. Conference on 16th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2006), LNAI 4455, p. 49-63, 2006, Springer
E. Alphonse, A. Osmani. On the connection between the phase transition of the covering test and the learning success rate. Int. Conference on 16th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2006), LNAI 4455, p. 27-29, 2007, Springer
A. Nazarenko, E. Alphonse, J. Derivière, T. Hamon, G. Vauvert, D. Weissenbacher. The ALVIS Format for Linguistically Annotated Documents. Int. Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), 2006
P. Bessières, R. Bossy, A.-P. Manine, E. Alphonse, C. Nédellec. Getting the Unknown from the Known in Bacteria, and the Role of Text Mining. Int. ECML'06 Workshop on Data and Text Mining for Integrative Biology, 2006
A. Nazarenko, C. Nédellec, E. Alphonse, S. Aubin, T. Hamon, A. Manine. Semantic Annotation in the Alvis Project. Int. Workshop on Intelligent Information Access (IIIA 2006), 2006
E. Alphonse, S. Matwin. Filtering Multi-instance Problems to Reduce Dimensionality in Relational Learning, Int. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, pages 23-40, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2004, Kluwer Academic Publishers
E. Alphonse. Macro-operators revisited in ILP, Int. Conf. on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP’04), LNCS 3194, pages 8-25, 2004
E. Alphonse. Macro-operateurs revisités en Apprentissage Relationnel, Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAP’04), 2004
E. Alphonse et al. (12 authors). Event-based Information Extraction for the biomedical domain : the Caderige Project, International Joint Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Biomedecine and its Applications (NLPBA/BioNLP’04), 2004
E. Alphonse et al. (12 authors). Extraction d’Information appliquée au domaine biomédical : le projet Caderige, Colloque International sur la Fouille de Texte (CIFT’04), 2004
E. Alphonse, S. Matwin. Feature Subset Selection and Inductive Logic Programming. 19th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'02), pages 11 – 18, 2002
E. Alphonse and S. Matwin.A Dynamic Approach to Dimensionality Reduction in Relational Learning, 13th Int. Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’02), LNCS 2366, pages 255-264, 2002
E. Alphonse et S. Matwin. Sélection d’attributs pour les systèmes de PLI ascendants, Actes de la Conférence d’apprentissage (CAP '01), pages 11-20, Hermès, 2001
E. Alphonse. Sélection d’attributs en apprentissage relationnel, Extraction des Connaissances et Apprentissage, volume 1, pages 167-172, 2002, Hermès Science Publication
E. Alphonse. Apprentissage de concepts relationnels par une méthode de propositionnalisation sélective, Actes de la seconde Conf. d’apprentissage (CAP '00), pages 11-20, Hermès, 2000
E. Alphonse and N. Stroppa. Filtering Multi-instance Problems for Feature Subset Selection in ILP, Int. Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP’02), Work-in-progress track (extended abstract), 2002,
E. Alphonse and S. Matwin. Feature Subset Selection for Bottom-up ILP Learners, Int. Conf. on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP’01), Work-in-progress track, pages 1-12, 2001
E. Alphonse, C. Rouveirol. Lazy propositionalisation for Relational Learning, 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2000 (ECAI’00), pages 256-260, IOS Press
E. Alphonse, C. Rouveirol. Selective Propositionalization for Relational Learning. 3rd Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’99), LNCS 1704, pages 271- 276, 1999, Springer Verlag
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