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Breaking News: "EcoIndex : que vaut cet outil qui mesure le score environnemental des sites web ?" (TheConversation)
Contact information
Mail address: Christophe Cérin, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, LIPN UMR CNRS 7030, 99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France
Office: A107
Phone: +33 (0)149 404 083
email: christophe.cerin@univ-paris13.fr or c.cerin@computer.org
Web: http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~cerin.
Research Full time professor with University of Paris XIII. My research is with Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord [LIPN]. From September 2024 to August 2025 I will benefit from an INRIA delegation with INRIA Datamove team. From September 2021 till August 2023, I was with Grenoble University for works (Délégation CNRS) connected with those realized in the frameworks of the Edge Intelligence research program and Datamove project.
Teaching Member of IUT de Villetaneuse, département d'informatique. My teaching activity is on basic knowledge for fresh students. The most recent teaching activities and production for students are:
A japanese garden at
Le chateau de Kanazawa
Hangzhou, tea garden
Invitation Invited Professor with Hangzhou Dianzi university (2019-2023). Special thanks to Congfeng Jiang.
Publications The full list of my publications, since the very beginning of my professional career, is available here.
Topics My work is about Parallel Computing in the field of middleware for Clouds and Big Data and also in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC). The "Distributed Algorithms, Software and Architecture" research group is working on:
  • Middleware and software architecture of large scale systems; Publication / Subscription paradigm; Cloud and Big Data Computing;
  • Models of large scale systems; Service oriented computing;
  • Numerical parallel algorithms;
  • Industrial projects: Wolphin, Resilience, FogSLA.
Invited Presentations In 2019, I was honored to present my work at the university of Waseda (Japan -- special thanks to the French Embassy in Tokyo for its exploratory mission program) and also in Poznan (Poland), Mascara (Algeria), Tunis (Tunisia), Ben Guerir (Morocco) as well as in Jinan (China) for the National SuperComputing Center, Shandong province. I also gave a presentation in Wuhan (China). In October 2019, I was involved with the Japanese, German and French symposium on how AI can help to solve environmental challenges. Invited talk for CloudTech'2023 (Marrakesh - Morocco).
Sake Barril
Empire State Building
ChatGpt on Minitel
ChatGpt on Minitel!
Leisure, sport and culture
Cycling If you are asking for nice cycling tours between "Cap Nègre" and "Fort de Brégançon" (Var - France), please contact me. I can make special arrangements for you (thanks to Michel) in order to pass along "Col du Babaou", close to "Collobrières" village. If you are looking for tours in the Var region, please follow this link .
I also share my experience of cycling in "Bois de Vincennes" (Paris) until Créteil and "bords de Marne". Don't hesitate to contact me on this matter.
Engineering and Sustainability We investigated the problem of scoring an HTTP request. We made some extensions of the initial EcoIndex definition to capture more "energy" related features and with no weighting mecanisms.
Check with our GitHub repository for implementations and documentation. Enjoy!
En Saône-et-Loire, sur les traces des premiers jeux vidéo français They are called Bertrand, Claude, Jacques or Viviane. These are the forgotten actors of an unknown time, the one where Chalon-sur-Saône surfered the wave of Space Invaders, Pac-Man and Co. - the great cultural revolution of the 80s. Learn more about this little history that we now call "French touch" :-)

Le professeur et le sage par Julos Beaucarne
Un professeur éminent des philosophies va rendre visite à un sage tout
au bout de la montagne.

Et dès qu'il le voit, à peine lui a-t-il dit bonjour, il lui parle à
n'en plus finir de toutes les philosophies, du bien, du mal, de la
vie, de la mort, des alentours de Dieu, de l'enfer, du purgatoire, des
anges déchus, des Angeles, des engelures, des angelots, du nirvana, de
Mahomet et de Bouddha.

Il y a deux tasses sur la table et le sage, tout en l'écoutant, sert
le thé. Mais la tasse du philosophe déborde et le sage n'arrête pas
pour autant de verser.

Voyant ça, le professeur éminent arrête son discours et lui dit avec
un léger agacement « Mais vous ne voyez donc pas que la tasse déborde ? ».

« Elle est comme vous », dit le sage, « elle est tellement pleine
qu’on ne peut plus rien y ajouter. Vous êtes tellement rempli que vous
ne pouvez plus écouter ».

Listen on Youtube

The first batch of RFCS you should know

New york
Yellow Mountain
West Lake, Hangzhou

(Photos are extracted from my personnal archive, November 2017 -- May 2019)

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