Camera Ready Submission

GPC 2007 Author Guidance

Thank you very much for submitting your paper to the second International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2007), to be held in Paris, France, on May 2-4, 2007. Congratulations for your excellent work! Your paper has been accepted for presentation at the conference.

In order to achieve the highest quality proceedings, we urge you to consider the comments of reviewers if any carefully when preparing the final version of your contribution.

The GPC 2007 proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Please follow the "Authors' Instructions" at Manuscripts must be accompanied by a signed copyright form that can be found on the above mentioned site.

Please download your final paper package (camera-ready files) in a ZIP (not tar.gz) format including

on In case of problems, and only in case of problems, please contact AND

At the same time, send the completed and signed copyright form by email (after being scanned) or fax to the conference publication chair, at the address below:

  Prof. Lucian Finta
University of Paris XIII
99 Avenue Jean-Batiste Clément
93430 Villetaneuse - France
Fax: +33-1-48-26-07-12

In the copyright form, please write the following names in the place of "Volume Editors"
Christophe Cérin and Kuan-Ching Li
Please write "GPC 2007 Conference" in the place of "Conference/Book".

The maximum number of pages allowed (correctly formatted) is twelve (12) pages for regular papers and six (6) for short papers. EUR 40 is charged to each page over the respective maximum length (max 2).

The final day for delivery is February 23, 2007. (FIRM DEADLINE) Late delivery will not be guaranteed to be included in the proceedings.

Camera Ready files: February 23, 2007 (FIRM DEADLINE)

Author registration and payment: February 23, 2007 (FIRM DEADLINE)