Talks at the Swansea IFIP WG1.3 meeting
Talks at the Swansea IFIP WG1.3 meeting (September 6-8, 2005)
- Marie-Claude Gaudel
(abstract with slides)
Doing and undoing in the framework of Web services
Rolf Hennicker
(abstract with paper)
Externalized and internalized notions of behavioral refinement
(a comparative study of behavioral refinement notions and proof techniques)
(with Michel Bidoit)
Bart Jacobs
(abstract with paper)
RIES Inernet voting in action
Alexander Kurz
Operations and equations for coalgebras
Tom Maibaum
Architecting aspects or why you always knew aspect weaving was colimit
Narciso Marti-Oliet
(abstract and paper)
Towards a strategy language for Maude
(with J. Meseguer and Verdejo)
Dominique Méry
(abstract with slides)
Refinement and security - Ongoing works
José Meseguer
Recent research directions in rewriting logic and Maude: a brief update
Ugo Montanari
Reactive systems for context borrowing, symbolic execution and web service
Till Mossakowski
(abstract with slides)
The Heterogeneous Integration Framework (HIFI)
Peter Padawitz
(abstract with slides and paper)
Dialgebraic specification and modeling
Dirk Pattinson
(abstract with slides)
Denotational Semantics of Hybrid Automata
- Dusko Pavlovic
(abstract with slides)
On testing and specifying (with Bart Jacobs)
- S. Ramesh
Modeling and verification with synchronousprotocol automata
Grigore Rosu
Design and semantics of programming languages using rewriting logic
(with J. Meseguer et al.)
Jan Rutten
Algebraic specification and coalgebraic synthesis of Mealy automata
Mark Ryan
(abstract and paper)
Evaluating access control policies through model checking
Lutz Schröder
(abstract with slides)
Finite models for coalgebraic logic
John Tucker
Specification and computation on continuous data