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ALEA in Europe School: program | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
to be held, from 21 to 25 October 2013, at CIRM, in Luminy (Marseille).
The school will present three series of two lessons,
five invited seminars, plus around 20 shorter seminars.
The seminars will be over at 16h30 on Friday, please consider
this for your travel arrangements.
A more detailed printable PDF version of the program is here.
An alphabetic list of speakers/titles:Lectures
Patrik Ferrari
Inst. Angewandte Mathematik Abt. Stoch. Analysis, Universitat Bonn
Markov chain dynamics and interpretations in random tiling, particle systems and random matrices
Jan Swart
UTIA, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Duality and intertwining of Markov Processes
Remco Van der Hofstad
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
The small-world nature of Random Graphs
Long talks
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou
LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux 1
Jennie Hansen
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Random mappings, urn models (and a few other things)
Tomasz Luczak
AMU, Poznan
Cyril Nicaud
LIGM, Universite de Paris-Est, Marne-la-Vallee
Studying random subgroups of a free group using analytic combinatorics
Konstantinos Panagiotou
Mathematisches Institut der Universitat Munchen
Short talks
Erik Aas
KTH Stockholm
The TASEP on a ring
Axel Bacher
RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
Weakly prudent self-avoiding walks
Nick Beaton
LIPN, Univ. Paris Nord, Villetaneuse
Walks obeying two-step rules on the square lattice: Full and half-plane
Jérémie Bettinelli
Equipe Probabilites et statistiques, Institut Elie Cartan, Nancy
Increasing Forests and Quadrangulations via a Bijective Approach
Mindaugas Bloznelis
Dept. Mathematical computer science, Vilnius University
Clustering properties of intersection graphs and affiliation networks
Jérémie Bouttier
CEA Saclay / LIAFA Paris Diderot
Steep tilings and sequences of interlaced partitions
Olivier Henard
Queen Mary University, London
Andrej Depperschmidt
Univ. Freiburg
Directed Random Walk on the Backbone of Oriented Percolation Cluster
Maren Eckhoff
University of Bath
Thomas Fernique
LIPN, Univ. Paris Nord, Villetaneuse
Markov chain on tilings: from chaos to order
Antoine Genitrini
LIP6, UPMC Paris 6
Concurrency theory: the combinatorics of non-determinism
Rudolf Grubel
Leibniz Universitat Hannover
Combinatorial Markov Chains
Alice Jacquot
LIPN, Univ. Paris Nord, Villetaneuse
Efficient random sampling of binary and unary-binary trees via holonomic equations
Jerzy Jaworski
Univ. Poznan
Mihyun Kang
Institute of Optimization and Discrete Mathematics, TU Graz
Chasing the Giant Component in Random Graph Processes
Christoph Koch
Institute of Optimization and Discrete Mathematics, TU Graz
Size of the largest component in a multi-type generalization of Erdos-Renyi random graphs
Igor Kortchemski
ENS Paris
The Brownian Continuum Random Tree is the scaling limit of random dissections
Svante Linusson
KTH Stockholm
multitype-TASEP on a ring
Laurent Ménard
Modal'X, Univ. Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Spectra of large diluted but bushy random graphs
Ljuben Mutafchiev
American University in Bulgaria and Inst. Math. Inform. Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Sampling Part Sizes of Random Integer Partitions
Tal Orenshtein
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
Excitement in one dimension
Frédéric Paccaut
Univ. Amiens
On g-measures
Angelica Pachon
Institute of Optimization and Discrete Mathematics, TU Graz
Evolution of a modified binomial random graph
Iulia Stanciu-Dahmer
Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt Am Main
Beta-coalescents and their lengths
All remarks for the webmaster: Andrea Sportiello
andrea.sportiello at lipn.fr