Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 12 avril 2011 à 10h30 en B311, Razvan Gurau nous parlera de : The 1/N expansion in colored tensor models

Résumé : The 1/N expansion in colored tensor models
Abstract: Matrix models are one of the most versatile tools in theoretical physics with applications ranging from the theory of strong interaction, to string theory, critical phenomena and two dimensional quantum gravity.
The versatility of matrix models is largely due to their topological 1/N expansion dominated by graphs with spherical topology. In higher dimensions matrix models generalize to tensor models. The ordinary tensor models are plagued by singularities and do not admit a meaningful 1/N expansion.
In this talk I will show that by adding an extra ingredient (a coloring of the fields) the tensor models become manageable and admit a 1/N expansion dominated by graphs with spherical topology in arbitrary dimension.


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