Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 14 novembre 2013 à 15h15 en B107, Matti Raasakka nous parlera de : Next-to-leading order in the large N expansion of the multi-orientable tensor model

Résumé : After providing some background and motivation for random tensor models and their large N expansion, I will discuss recent results on the next-to-leading order of the large N expansion for the multi-orientable tensor model. I will describe the class of Feynman tensor graphs contributing to this order in the expansion, and the characteristic properties of the next-to-leading order series for this model. These results represent the first step towards the larger goal of defining an appropriate double-scaling limit for the multi-orientable tensor model.


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