Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 07 novembre 2017 à 11h00 en B107, Gérard Duchamp nous parlera de : Noncommutative evolution equations: two-sided multipliers, initial conditions and asymptotics

Résumé : In this talk, I will show tools and sketch proofs about Noncommutative Evolution Equations (in particular, preparing Hoang Ngoc Minh's talk about associators). Starting from the very simple setting of Noncommutative Formal Power Series with variable coefficients, we can explore in a compact and effective (in the sense of computability) way the Hausdorff group of Lie exponentials in particular the one linked to Hyperlogarithms (and then Polylogarithms) and show some multiplicative renormalisations (as those of Drinfeld). Some parts of this work are connected with Dyson series and take place within the project "Evolution Equations in Combinatorics and Physics".

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