Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 05 avril 2011 à 15h30 en L322, Aristide Baratin nous parlera de : Aspects of group field theories

Résumé : "Aspects of group field theories"
Group field theories (GFT) provide a higher dimensional generalization of matrix models. Just as the Feynman graphs of matrix models are ribbon graphs dual to Riemann surfaces, the graphs of a D-dimensional GFT are D-stranded graphs dual to triangulated (pseudo)-manifolds. They provide a new and promising framework for the study of quantum gravity, including a sum over all topologies. I will describe several new aspects of these theories, including a dual formulation as non-commutative field theories, which provide important insights on their geometrical meaning.

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