Journée-séminaire de combinatoire

(équipe CALIN du LIPN, université Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse)

Le 21 février 2012 à 10h30 en B311, Gérard H. E. Duchamp nous parlera de : Ordered infinite products in analysis and combinatorial applications (3/3)

Résumé : We continue our exploration of the combinatorics of groups.
Function spaces are used in order to dualize the product : typically the algebraic dual of the group algebra k[G] is the full function space kG. In many cases, given a function φ∈ kG, there exists no nice formula for φ(fg).
But, if we restrict φ to some subspaces, the expression of φ(fg) can be nicely split. Examples will be taken in : Faà di Bruno formula, Free group, Noncommutative Symmetric function. If time permits, we will treat some points of the theory of deformation and some combinatorial aspects of quantum groups.

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