Cyril Banderier
: list of conferences
🎵 Il faut que j'aille au bout du monde pour savoir si la terre est ronde. 🎵
DEA talk (Paris)
(July 1998).
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Infinite Automata.
(January 7, 1999).
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*An Analysis of an Algorithm. CIES (Jussieu)
(March 11, 1999).
(March 15-19, 1999).
An Introduction to Analytic Combinatorics. École jeunes chercheurs (Bordeaux)
(March 25, 1999)
Idem. CIES (Jussieu)
(April 1, 1999).
Analytic Combinatorics for Juniors.
Colloquium Junior
(May 11, 1999).
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On Generating Functions of Generating Trees.
(June 8, 1999).
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Analysis of Algorithms (Barcelona)
(June 14-18, 1999).
Algebraicity and asymptotics of unidimensional ramdom walks.
Algorithms Seminars
(INRIA Rocquencourt)
(September 27, 1999).
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A Panomara of Theoretical Computer Science. Semaine de la Science (Trappes)
(18, October 1999).
The Time in Mathematics and Computer Science. Jours de Sciences (Les Mureaux)
(March 7, 2000).
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Airy Distribution & Planar Graphs.
Aléa 2000
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 14, 2000).
Coalescent Saddle Points and Airy Distribution: the Case of Planar Graphs.
Algorithms Seminars
(INRIA Rocquencourt)
(March 20, 2000).
Down with Gauss, long live Airy! École jeunes chercheurs (Caen)
(March 27, 2000).
Marking time for Random Walks on Graphs.
(June 27, 2000).
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The Kernel Method.
Analysis of Algorithms
(July 5, 2000).
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Colloquium in honor of Professor Michel Mendès France
(September 11-14, 2000). (
Colloque Informatique et Mathématiques (Versailles)
(September 18-20, 2000).
Analytic Combinatorics and Computer Science.
Analytic Number Theory Seminar
(November 9, 2000)
Research in Mathematics and Computer Science
Salon de l’éducation
Intervenant à l’atelier "Physique nucléaire, mathématiques, modélisation" (November 22, 2000).
Trees, Paths, Maps... École jeunes chercheurs (Lyon)
(January 29-2, 2001).
Walks on N: generating functions and asymptotics. Aléa 2001 (CIRM, Marseille)
(March 26-30, 2001).
Kernel method and generating trees.
Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica
(June 7, 2001) [invitation June 6-13, 2001].
Analytic combinatorics of paths and maps.
PhD defense
,Jussieu (Paris)
(June 25, 2001).
Douzièmes Rencontres Arithmétiques
(June 28-29, 2001).
Combinatorial and analytic properties of lattice paths. AofA 2001 (Tatihou)
(July 1-7, 2001).
Factors’ paradox
Discrete Models
(IHP, Paris)
(July 4, 2001).
RSA 2001
(August 6-11, 2001).
School on Algorithm Engineering (Alcom-FT) (Roma)
(September 10-12, 2001).
First Annual Review Meeting and Workshop (Alcom-FT)
(September 13-15, 2001).
Future of the Research in Europ,
Palais de la découverte
(October 19, 2001) [intervenant dans le cadre de la FĂŞte de la Science].
Analytic combinatorics: a surveychen.
(November 14, 2001).
GASCom 2001 (Sienna)
(November 18-20, 2001).
Coupon collector problems and random walks on graphs.
Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica
(November 21, 2001).
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Seminar Algorithmic Aspects in Network Communication.
(December 12, 2001).
The Game of Go, from ancient Asia to modern computers.
(December 13, 2001).
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Average time for Trivial-Pursuit like games.
Algorithmic Combinatorial Game Theory
(February 17-22, 2002).
On a model of walks with multiplicities.
Aléa 2002
(CIRM, Marseille)
(18-22 March, 2002)
Random generation of combinatorial structures. École jeunes chercheurs (Lille)
(25-30 March, 2002).
Why Delannoy’s numbers? 5th Lattice Path Combinatorics and Discrete Distributions (Athens)
(June 5-7, 2002).
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Discrete smoothed analysis.
AofA 2002
(June 23-29, 2002).
Annual Review Meeting and Workshop (Alcom-FT) (Warwick)
(July 5-6, 2002).
A class of walks with unbounded jumps.
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics 2002
(July 8-12, 2002).
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The Airy phenomena in analytic combinatorics. Workshop on Combinatorics and Integrable Models (Canberra)
(July 15-19, 2002).
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Discrete smoothed analysis.
Randomised Algorithms Euroworkshop
Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge)
(August 5-16, 2002).
Max-Planck-Institut (SaarbrĂĽcken)
(September 9-13, 2002).
Limit laws for walks with unbounded jumps. Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science (Versailles)
(September 16-19, 2002).
Computational aspects of multi-dimensional partitions.
SĂ©minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
(October 20-23, 2002).
Smoothed Complexity. New computational models: algorithms and complexity. (IHP, Paris)
(November 28-29, 2002).
Journées Arbres
(December 12-13, 2002).
IHP (Paris)
(January, 2003).
Journées Aléa. (CIRM, Marseille)
(February 3-7, 2003).
Geometry and statistics of random growth. (IHP, Paris)
(March 17-22, 2003).
SĂ©minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
(March 23-27, 2003).
Analytic computations & symbolic combinatorics. Seminar "Combinatoire, informatique et physique" (Villetaneuse)
(April 30, 2003)
Journées arbres
(May 15-16, 2003)
Dynamical systems and modelization in algorithmics (Paris)
(May 19, 2003)
Seminar "Combinatorial optimization and distributed analysis" (Villetaneuse)
(May 22, 2003)
Journées du LIPN
(May 26-27, 2003)
Rencontres mathématiques de Rouen in honor of Claude Dellacherie
(June 18-20, 2003).
AofA 2003 (San Miniato, Pisa)
(June 22-28, 2003).
RSA 2003
(August 9-13, 2003).
Smoothed Analysis of Three Combinatorial Problems.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2003
(August 25-29, 2003).
Discrete Random Walks
(September 1-5, 2003).
Savante Banlieue
(16-17 October 2003)
(CIRM, Marseille)
(January 19-23, 2004).
Journées MATh.en.JEANS 2004
(March 26-28, 2004)
Analysis of Algorithms (AofA’04) (Berkeley)
(June 14-18, 2004)
Retrospective in Combinatorics Honoring Stanley’s 60th birthday
(June 22-26, 2004)
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC’04) (Vancouver)
(June 28-2, 2004)
Conference on Permutation Patterns’04
(July 5-9, 2004)
Journées Montoises 2004
(8-11 September 2004)
Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science
(13-17 September 2004)
SĂ©minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
(10-13 October 2004)
Savante Banlieue
(14-15 October 2004)
Séminaire d’algorithmique du GREYC (Caen)
(26 October 2004)
International Conference on Polynomial System Solving
(24-26 November 2004)
Journées Aléa (CIRM, Marseille)
(March 7-11, 2005).
Congrès MATh.en.JEANS (Paris)
(April 3-5, 2005).
Resonances and periodic orbits: spectrum and zeta functions in quantum and classical chaos
(IHP, Paris)
(June 27-July 5 2005)
RSA 2005 (Poznań)
(August, 1-5 2005)
Amadeus Project: Bernhard Gittenberger (Villetaneuse)
(September 4-11, 2005)
Journées de l’aci DynamicAl: interface mathematiques et informatique, dynamique et algorithmique
(September 14-16, 2005)
(September, 25-28 2005).
Savante Banlieue
(October 13-14, 2005)
XVe Rencontres CNRS Jeunes "Sciences et Citoyens"
(Futuroscope de Poitiers)
(October 21-23, 2005)
Journée séminaire de la filière Math-Info de Paris XIII (Villetaneuse)
(November 4, 2005)
Amadeus Project (Wien)
(November 9-20, 2005)
Joint Seminar TU Wien/U Wien.
(November 15, 2005)
Journees AOC
(November 29-December 2, 2005)
Workshop of Combinatorics on q-series and Partitions
(January 5-6, 2006)
Amadeus Project: Markus Kuba (Villetaneuse)
(Jan 16-22, 2006)
Amadeus Project: Bernhard Gittenberger (Villetaneuse)
(Feb 12-19 2006)
(February 23-25, 2006)
Journées Alea (CIRM, Marseille)
(March 6-10 2006)
Amadeus Project: Cyril Banderier (Wien)
(Mar 12-25 2006)
Educational Workshop on Discrete Probability
Erwin Schrödinger Institute (Wien)
(Mar 12-25 2006)
Congrès MATh.en.JEANS (Cité des Sciences, Paris)
(March 31 - April 2, 2006)
Amadeus Project: Alois Panholzer (Villetaneuse)
(April 10-14, 2006)
Rencontres CNRS Jeunes (Drancy)
(May 5-6, 2006)
Salon 2006 de la culture et des jeux mathématiques
(May 25-27, 2006)
Jean-Bernard Zuber’s 60th birthday
(June 1-2, 2006)
Permutation Patterns 2006
(June 12-16, 2006)
Projet Animath sur Pi/ F.Gaudel
(June 19-23, 2006)
Palais de la découverte
(June 22, 2006)
AofA 2006
(Alden Biesen)
(July 2-8, 2006)
University Project: Hsien Kuei Hwang (Villetaneuse)
(July 7-29, 2006)
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
(July 17-21, 2006)
Journées Montoises d’Informatique Théorique
(August 30-September 2, 2006)
(September 11-15, 2006)
Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities
(September 18-22, 2006)
Combinatoire analytique des chemins : l’aire moyenne
Séminaire de théorie des nombres et de combinatoire
(October 3, 2006)
SLC57: SĂ©minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
(October 8-11, 2006)
Savante Banlieue
(October 12-13, 2006)
Fête de la science (Maths pour tous/Cité des Sciences)
(October 13-15, 2006)
Rencontres CNRS Jeunes Sciences & Citoyens
(October 27-29, 2006)
Analytic Combinatorics courses
(November 4-11, 2006)
Cours MMI2 de combinatoire analytique (Villetaneuse)
(27/11, 4/12, 11/12)
Exposé groupe de travail Approx
(December 6, 2006)
Amadeus Project (Wien)
(December 11-16, 2006)
Journées du GDR IM
(February 1-2, 2007)
La combinatoire : des mathématiques à l’informatique, et réciproquement. (Lycée Jean Vilar de Plaisir)
(March 12 2007)
3000 ans d’histoire de la combinatoire. (
, Paris)
(March 14, 2007)
Kernels of simple families of graphs : it’s normal.
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 19-23, 2007)
Congrès MATh.en.JEANS
(23-25 March, 2007)
Stages Science Académie
(10-13 April, 2007)
Vulgarisation scientifique avec
Maths pour tous
(Agora des Sciences, Marseille, au Centre de Culture Scientifique (CCSTI))
(26-27 April, 2007)
Exposition Science Académie
(May 12, 2007)
Leonhard Euler, mathématicien universel (IHÉS)
(May 24, 2007)
soutenances projets (Villetaneuse)
(June 8, 2007)
Permutation Patterns
(St Andrews)
(June 11-15, 2007)
soutenances TER
(June 18, 2007)
Stages science ouverte (Villetaneuse)
(June 25-28, 2007)
6th International conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and applications (Johnson City)
(July 12-14, 2007)
National Research Network S9600 Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory
TU Wien (Wien)
(July 22-29, 2007)
Conference in honour of Jean-Yves Girard 60th birthday
(IHP, Paris)
(September 10-11, 2007)
Journées de la Fondation Mathématique de Paris
(September 28, 2007)
Journées Systèmes dynamiques, automates et algorithmes
(October 4-5, 2007)
Avancées en sciences de l'information présentées par leurs auteurs (
Académie des Sciences
(October 9, 2007)
Fête de la Science (Palais de la découverte)
(October 9-10, 2007)
Savante Banlieue
(October 11-12, 2007)
FĂŞte de la Science (La Villette)
(October 13-14, 2007)
Journées en l’honneur de D.E. Knuth
(October 29-31, 2007)
Analytic Combinatorics courses
(November 19-23, 2007)
HK Hwang (Villetaneuse)
(December 9-14, 2007)
Journées du GDR d’Informatique mathématique
(Jan 24-25, 2008)
Airy ≠Airy: a tale of two limit laws. (Exposé groupe de travail Approx)
(March 5,7, 2008)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 10-14, 2008)
National Research Network S9600 Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory
TU Wien (Wien)
(March 15-26, 2008)
Rencontres CNRS Jeunes
(April 4-5, 2008)
Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics
(Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge)
(April 7-12, 2008)
Pawel Hitczenko (Villetaneuse)
(Jan 23-Feb 23, April 1-15, May 6-16, June 2008)
Stages Science Académie
(3j, April 21- May 2, 2008)
3ièmes journées "Probabilité et applications" Monastir (Tunisie)
(May 26-30, 2008)
Groupe de travail zĂŞta (Villetaneuse)
(July 2,11, 2008)
IWAP 2008
(July 7-10, 2008)
FĂŞte de la Science (La Villette)
(October 10-12, 2008)
Academica Sinica
, (18 Oct-15 November 2008)
Working group (Taipei)
, (23 Oct 2008)
Seminar of the Institute of Statistical Sciences (Taipei)
, (October 31, 2008)
Seminar of the Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University
(Hsin Chu)
(November 10, 2008)
Savante Banlieue 2008
(November 20-21, 2008)
Colloquium for Philippe Flajolet's 60th Birthday
(December 1-2, 2008)
Monastir (Tunisie)
(December 16-23, 2008)
Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux
(February 4-6, 2009)
SĂ©minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
(February 22-25, 2009)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 16-20, 2009)
(March 22-April 1, 2009)
Stages Science académie/Animath/Science ouverte. (IHP, Paris)
(April 20-24, 2009)
Colloque en l’honneur d’Alain Rouault
(IHP, Paris)
(April 27-28, 2009)
10e Salon de la culture et des jeux mathématiques (St Sulpice, Paris)
(28-31 May, 2009)
Journées en l’honneur de Robert Cori
(June 10-12, 2009)
Pawel Hitczenko (June-July, 2009)
AofA 2009
(June 14-19, 2009)
Complex Systems and Applications
(Le Havre)
(June 29-July 2, 2009)
Journées arithmétiques
(July 6-10, 2009)
Random Structures and Algorithms 2009
(August 3-7, 2009)
Colloque pour les 60 ans de Jacques Stern (Paris)
(September 4, 2009)
Statistical physics, combinatorics and probability: from discrete to continuous models
(IHP, Paris)
(Sept 7 - Dec 18, 2009)
Two-dimensional lattice models
(IHP, Paris)
(October 5-10, 2009)
Projet DGRSRT/CNRS (Paris 13)
(Oct 27-Nov 27, 2009)
Random planar graphs and maps
(IHP, Paris)
(Nov 2-6, 2009)
Journées Graphes et Algorithmes
(Nov 5-6, 2009)
Quantum and Combinatorics (Zakopane)
(Nov 12-14, 2009)
Savante Banlieue 2009
(November 19-20, 2009)
FĂŞte de la science 2009
Cité des Sciences
(November 21-22, 2009)
Projet DGRSRT/CNRS: Cyril Banderier (Monastir)
(Dec 1-12, 2009)
SĂ©minaire de l'ISMAI Kairouan
(Dec 9, 2009)
Projet DGRSRT/CNRS: Rafik Aguech
(Dec 12-Jan 8, 2009)
Projet DGRSRT/CNRS: Kamel Mazhouda
(Dec 12-25, 2009)
*séminaire Mellin
Journées GDR IM
(Paris 6)
(January 21-22, 2010)
Journées de Combinatoire
(January 27-29, 2010)
Alois Panholzer (Villetaneuse)
(Jan 31-Feb 27, 2010)
Journées Aléa 2010
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 22-26, 2010)
SĂ©minaire CIP
(March 2, 2010)
Séminaire de théorie des nombres de l'institut Fourier
(March 3, 2010)
séminaire CIP
(April 13, 2010)
Stage de mathématiques "Danse avec l’erreur"
(Science Ouverte/Science Académie/Animath) (IHP, Paris)
(April 26-30, 2010)
Journées hypergéométriques
(April 27-29, 2010)
Journée en l'honneur de Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps
(May 7, 2010)
Journée CALIN
: petite fête pour la création de la nouvelle équipe de combinatoire (Villetaneuse)
(May 11, 2010)
11e Salon Culture & Jeux Mathématiques
(May 27-30, 2010)
Colloque pour les 60 ans de Brigitte Vallée. Numbers, Sequences, Lattices: Dynamical Analysis of Algorithms
(June 3-4, 2010)
Mathématiques, informatique et magie (Collège)
(June, 2010)
(June 15-27, 2010)
AofA 2010
(June 28-July 2, 2010)
Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications 2010
(July 4-7, 2010)
Pawel Hitczenko (Villetaneuse)
(June 30 - July 30, 2010)
SLC 65
(September 12-15, 2010)
Projet DGRST/CNRS : Cyril Banderier (Monastir)
(October 13-20, 2010)
Journées Combinatoire et Probabililités (Monastir)
(October 18-20, 2010)
Projet DGRST/CNRS : Rafik Aguech
(November 5-19, 2010)
Université populaire de Bondy
Promenades mathématiques. (Bondy)
(December 9, 2010)
Jury de thèse de Réda Sahnoun (Versailles)
(December 14, 2010)
Projet DGRST/CNRS : ChouaĂŻd Souissi
(December 10-24, 2010)
Sage Math days #28
(January 17-19, 2011)
Metric geometry, algorithms and groups
Journées nationales d'informatique mathématique
(Jan 20-21, 2011)
Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux
(Jan 26-28, 2011)
Journées Aléa 2011
(CIRM, Marseille)
(Mar 7-11, 2011)
Comité de sélection P13
(April 13 & May 13, 2011)
Science académie
(April 18-22, 2011)
AofA 2011
(June 12-18, 2011)
Journée en l'honneur de l'éméritat de Christian Lavault
(July 5, 2011)
(September 18-21, 2011)
Nuit des chercheurs
(September 23, 2011)
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
(October 6-9, 2011)
Savante Banlieue
(October 13-14, 2011)
Journées nationales de calcul formel
(CIRM, Marseille)
(November 14-18, 2011)
Combinatorial physics (Krakow)
(November 23-27, 2011)
Projet CNRS-DGRSRT (Monastir/Sfax)
(December 4-11, 2011)
Projet CNRS-DGRSRT (Villetaneuse)
(December 11-18, 2011)
Philippe Flajolet and Analytic Combinatorics
(December 14-16, 2011)
(January 16, 2012)
SODA 2012
(January 17-19, 2012)
Journées du GDR-IM
(January 25-26, 2012)
Journées de Combinatoire
(February 1-3, 2012)
Algorithms and Permutations
(February 20-21, 2012)
Journées Aléa 2012
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 5-9, 2012)
SĂ©minaire Lotharingien
(March 25-28, 2012)
Sur les traces de Galois
(IHP, Paris)
(April 16-20, 2012)
B. Gittenberger (Villetaneuse)
(May 1-30, 2012)
Hypergeometric series and their generalizations in algebra, geometry, number theory and physics
(May 29-June 1, 2012)
AofA 2012
(June 17-22, 2012)
GASCom 2012
(June 25-27, 2012)
Journées X. G. Viennot
(June 28-29, 2012)
(July 22-25, 2012)
FPSAC 2012
(30 July-3 August 2012)
Journées du PEPS Holonomix
(September 10-14, 2012)
Nuit des chercheurs
(September 28, 2012)
PHC Amadeus (B. Gittenberger, M. Drmota)
(September 17-30, 2012)
Savante Banlieue
(Octobre 11-12, 2012)
ADAMA : École d'automne en analyse d'algorithmes et modèles aléatoires
(Mahdia, Tunisie)
(October 16-21, 2012)
PHC Amadeus
(November 4-9, 2012)
Colloque Henri Poincaré
(IHP, Paris)
(November 19-23, 2012)
Journées du LIPN pour l'évaluation AERES
(December 11-12, 2012)
Jury de thèse d'Hanane Tafat Bouzid (Paris 13)
(December 12, 2012)
Journées du GDR-IM
(January 21-22, 2013)
Christian Krattenthaler (Villetaneuse) (February 10-28, 2013)
Journées Combinatoires de Bordeaux
(February 13-15, 2013)
Combinatorial Probability and Statistical Mechanics Workshop
(February 21-23, 2013)
Université populaire des Hauts-de-Seine / Université pour tous (Médiathèque de Bagneux)
(5 février 2013)
Université populaire des Hauts-de-Seine / Université pour tous (Médiathèque de Bagneux)
(19 février 2013)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 18-22, 2013)
Que disent les mathématiques sur notre environnement ?
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 20, 2013) [
Journées PEPS Holonomix
(March 25-27, 2013)
Journées ANR Magnum (Caen)
(April 3-4, 2013)
ANR Magnum: Quelques problèmes ouverts liés à Magnum
(date 2011?)
ANR Magnum: Smoothed Analysis
(date 2011?)
Journées d'informatique fondamentale
(April 22-26, 2013)
Science Ouverte
(IHP, Paris)
(April 29-May 4, 2013)
Journée P-automatique
(IHP, Paris)
(April 30, 2013)
PHC Amadeus & FWF project SFB Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics (F50) (Wien)
(May 10-21, 2013)
AofA 2013
(May 27-31, 2013)
FPSAC 2013
(June 24-28, 2013)
Permutation Pattern 2013
(July 1-5, 2013)
RSA 2013
(August 5-9, 2013)
Savante Banlieue
(October 10-11, 2013) [
Aléa in Europe
(CIRM, Marseille)
(October 20-25, 2013)
PHC Amadeus: Bernhard Gittenberger (Villetaneuse)
(October 25-31, 2013)
PHC Orchid
(31 Oct-12 Nov, 2013)
Rencontres Arithmétiques de l'Informatique Mathématique
(November 18-20, 2013)
PHC Amadeus: Marie-Louise Bruner (Villetaneuse)
(November 21-28, 2013)
Remise du Grand Prix à l'Académie des Sciences
(November 26, 2013)
Cérémonie à l'Ambassade
(November 27, 2014)
Journées PEPS Holonomix
December 2-4, 2013)
FWF Project Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics
(Linz, Wien)
(December 10-20, 2013)
Random Walks and Asymptotic Geometry of Groups
(CIRM, Marseille)
(6-17 January 2014)
Jury de thèse d'
Alexandre Aksenov
(January 16, 2014)
Combinatoire et Ă©quations fonctionnelles
(January 21, 2014)
Random Walks on Groups
(27-31 January 2014)
Prime numbers: new perspectives
(CIRM, Marseille)
(10-11 February 2014)
Journées holonomes
(12-14 February 2014)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(March 17-21, 2014)
(31 March-2 April 2014)
Atelier stéphanois de combinatoire additive
(5-7 May 2014)
Combinatoire & Algorithmes au LITIS
(12 June 2014)
AofA 2014
(16-20 June 2014)
Journée math-info proba : diffusion models (Villetaneuse)
(24 June 2014)
Combinatorial Physics and Complexity
(satellite workshop of
ICCSA 2014
) (Le Havre)
(25 June 2014)
Journée ANR Magnum (Marne-La-Vallée)
(1 July 2014)
Journée Combinatoire et théorie des langages (Villetaneuse)
(2 July 2014)
Collaboration with TU Wien: Michael Wallner (Villetaneuse)
(14-27 July 2014)
CIMPA Summer School 2014: "Random structures, Analytic and Probabilistic Approaches"
(August 18-28, 2014)
MĂ©daille d'argent du CNRS de Mireille Bousquet-MĂ©lou
(2 October 2014)
PHC Taiwan
(8-30 October 2014)
JNCF 2014
(CIRM, Marseille)
(3-7 November 2014)
Cercle Pierre de Jumièges
(18 November 2014)
PHC Taiwan
(24-30 November 2014)
PHC Taiwan
(8-20 December 2014)
Journées du GDR IM
(2-3 February 2015)
Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux
(4-6 February 2015)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(16-20 March 2015)
(22-25 March 2015)
FWF project SFB Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics (F50)(Linz)
(26-29 March 2015)
Tu Wien cooperation (Wien)
(30 March-2 April 2015)
Approximation and combinatorics
(CIRM, Marseille)
(April 2015)
Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics : special days
(11-12 May 2015)
Journée LAGA surfaces plates
(20 May 2015)
Salon Culture & Jeux Mathématiques
(28-31 May 2015)
Growth, Symbolic Dynamics and Combinatorics of Words in Groups
(1-5 June 2015)
Journées à la mémoire de Marc Yor
(3-5 June 2015)
AofA 2015
(8-12 June 2015)
Permutation Patterns
(15-19 June 2015)
Summer School "CombinatoireS"
(29 June-3 July 2015)
Kálmán Győry 75 Symposium
(10-11 July 2015)
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
(3-7 August 2015)
Lattice Paths 2015
(17-20 August 2015)
Workshop on Symbolic Combinatorics and Computational Differential Algebra
(Fields Institure, Toronto)
(14-19 September 2015)
Random Graphs
(20-25 September 2015)
Séminaire Le2i, Université de Bourgogne
(9 October 2015)
Académie des Sciences/Academia Sinica program
(12-24 October 2015)
Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry, TU Wien
(25 October - 1 November 2015)
Journées nationales de calcul formel
(2-6 November 2015)
Journées pour le doctorat Honoris Causa de Christian Krattenthaler
(14-15 December 2015)
Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux
(27-29 January 2016)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(7-11 March 2016)
Colloque en l'honneur de Marcel-Paul SchĂĽtzenberger
(21-25 March 2016)
Séminaire de Probabilités et Théorie Ergodique
(1 April 2016)
(1-4 June 2016)
Conférence Madaca
(20-24 June 2016)
Seventeenth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications
(27 June-2 Jul 2016)
AofA 2016
(4-8 July 2016)
ANR France-Taiwan
(28 August-2 September 2016)
Quantum integrable systems, conformal field theories and stochastic processes
(12-25 September 2016)
Workshop in Analytic and Probabilistic Combinatorics
(23-28 October, 2016)
Conférences de mathématiques de l'INSA Lyon
(15 November 2016)
ANR France-Taiwan
(16-27 November 2016)
Colloquium of the Department of Applied Mathematics,
National Chiao Tung University
(22 November 2016)
Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory
(CIRM, Marseille)
(28 November-2 December 2016)
Marches aléatoires à grands pas dans des cônes
(14-16 December 2016)
Combinatorics and Interactions
(9 January-31 March 2017)
Journées Combinatoires
(25-27 January 2017)
Équations différentielles : aspects théoriques et effectifs
(13-15 March 2017)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(20-24 March 2017)
Journée en l'honneur de Michèle Soria
(12 May 2017)
Computational Logic and Applications
(18-19 May 2017)
Prime Numbers and automatic sequences
(CIRM, Marseille)
(22-26 May 2017)
AofA 2017
(19-23 June 2017)
Nils Haug's PhD Defense (London)
(7 July 2017)
FPSAC 2017
(9-13 July 2017)
Exceptional and ubiquitous Painlevé equations for Physics
(16-18 August 2017)
(28 August-1 September 2017)
*FWF project SFB Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics (F50) (Wien)
(2-9 September 2017)
Lattice walks at the Interface of Algebra, Analysis and Combinatorics
(17-22 September 2017)
Alea in Europe
(9-13 October 2017)
Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics
(16-20 October 2017)
Workshop on Analytic and Enumerative Aspects of Combinatorics, National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu)
(27-29 October 2017)
Academia Sinica (Taipei)
(31 October-12 November 2017)
Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel
(CIRM, Marseille)
(22-26 January 2018)
Journées Combinatoires
(12-14 February 2018)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(12-16 March 2018)
Computational Logic and Applications
(24-25 May 2018)
Algebra, Arithmetic and Combinatorics of Differential and Difference Equations
(CIRM, Marseille)
(28 May-1 June 2018)
Gascom 2018
(18-20 June 2018)
AofA 2018
(25-29 June 2018)
(9-12 September 2018)
*FWF project SFB Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics (F50) (Wien)
(5-20 September 2018)
*Journée de la recherche inter-labos de l'institut Galilée (Villetaneuse)
(22 November 2018)
États de la recherche SMF : mécanique statistique
(10-14 December 2018)
Journées ANR MetaConc
(31-1 January/February 2019)
Journées nationales de calcul formel
(CIRM, Marseille)
(4-8 February 2019)
Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux
(11-13 February 2019)
Asymptotic Algebraic Combinatorics
(11-15 March 2019)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(18-22 March 2019)
FELIM 2019
(25-27 March 2019)
SĂ©minaire du Le2i (Dijon)
(6 May 2019)
Fiche Galaxie du poste MDC
, Comité de sélection (
(7 & 17 May 2019)
Séminaire de combinatoire énumérative et analytique
(IRIF, Paris)
(23 May 2019)
Walking through the Brownian zoo (Jean-François Le Gall's 60th birthday)
(3-7 June 2019)
Permutation Patterns
(17-21 June 2019)
AofA 2019
(CIRM, Marseille)
(24-28 June 2019)
FPSAC 2019
(1-5 July 2019)
Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA'19)
(22-26 July 2019)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
(27-31 July 2019)
Eurocomb 2019
(26-30 August 2019)
Journées ANR MétaConc (Caen)
(30-31 August 2019)
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
(17-24 September 2019)
Prime numbers, determinism and pseudo-randomness in Memoriam of Christian Mauduit (1959 - 2019)
(CIRM, Marseille)
(4-8 November 2019)
Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux
(5-7 February 2020)
Séminaire de théorie des nombres
(IECL, Nancy)
(13 February 2020)
Journées nationales de calcul formel
(CIRM, Marseille)
(2-6 March 2020)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille, cancelled)
(16-20 March 2020)
(22-26 March 2020)
Périodes (Yves Andrée'60)
(IHP, postponed)
(6-10 April 2020)
Recent Progress on Random Walks
(CIRM, Marseille, cancelled)
(25-29 May 2020)
EJCIM 2020
(Bordeaux, online)
(8-19 June 2020)
AofA 2020
(Klagenfurt, online)
(15-19 June 2020)
Gascom 2020
(Varese, postponed)
(22-24 June 2020)
Computability in Europe
(Salerno, online)
(29-3 July 2020)
Permutation Patterns 2020
(Valparaiso, online)
(30-1 July 2020)
FPSAC 2020
(Ramat-Gan, online)
(13-17 July 2020)
Maple conference
(2-6 November 2020)
Valerie Roitner's PhD Defense, TU Wien
(19 November 2020)
Seminar of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(28 November 2020)
Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux
(Bordeaux, online)
(1-5 February 2021)
Journées du GDR IM
(23-26 March 2021)
Journées Aléa
(15-19 March 2021)
The Jeddah-Riadh-Dammam-Tunis Applied Mathematics Seminar
(20 April 2021)
Journées ANR De rerum natura
(3-4 June 2021)
Journées GDR EFI
(31 May-2 June 2021)
Lattice Path Combinatorics and Interactions
(CIRM, Marseille)
(21-25 June 2021)
Journée MathStic "Combinatoire & probabilités"
(26 October 2021)
Maple Conference
(2-5 November 2021)
SĂ©minaire "Combinatoire et interactions"
(LaBRI, Bordeaux)
(8 November 2021)
Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: special days
(30 November-2 December 2021)
FPSAC 2021
(Bar-Ilan, hybride)
(10-20 January 2022)
JNCF 2022(Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel)
(CIRM, hybride)
(28 fév-4 March 2022)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, hybride)
(21–25 March 2022)
Périodes, motifs et équations différentielles : entre arithmétique et géométrie (Yves André's 60th birthday)
(Paris, hybride)
(11-15 April 2022)
Journées du GDR IM
(29 March-1 April 2022)
Journée du Séminaire différentiel (Henri Cohen, Marina Poulet, Michel Waldschmidt)
(7 June 2022)
Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux
(8-10 June 2022)
(12-15 June 2022)
Aofa 2022
(Philadelphia, hybride)
(20-24 June 2022)
ICECA (International Conference on Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications)
(September 6-7, 2022)
SĂ©minaire MAX
(LIX, Palaiseau)
(22 November 2022)
Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: special days
(28–29 November 2022)
Journées Aléa
(CIRM, Marseille)
(13-16 March 2023)
PHC Amadeus (Wien)
(June 2023)
Klagenfurt combinatorics group (Klagenfurt)
(June 2023)
Journée MathSTIC "Combinatoire & probabilités"
(13 June 2023)
Asma Althagafi's PhD defense (Riyad)
(14 June 2023)
(26-30 June 2023)
Academia Sinica
(1-6 July 2023)
Journées du GDR EFI
(3-5 July 2023)
Permutation Patterns
(3-7 July 2023)
Dimers 2023
(10-13 July 2023)
FPSAC 2023
(UC Davis)
(17-21 July 2023)
ICECA (International Conference on Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications)
(September 4-6, 2023)
Perhaps I will go there:
For sure, I attend with pleasure the
CALIN seminar
, the other
Philippe Flajolet
seminar, the
seminar (and in the good old days, the
algorithms project
Fundamental Algorithms and Algorithmic Complexity
(18-29 September 2023)
Asymptotic Limits of Discrete Random Structures
(ICERM, Providence)
(29 September-1 October 2023)
Probability and Geometry in, on and of non-Euclidian spaces
(2-6 October 2023)
Li Gan's PhD defense (Orsay)
(8 December 2023)
"*" marks conferences/events to which I had a presentation, or an article accepted, or a specific role in the organisation
"-" marks conferences which are interesting me but to which I will/did not go,
"no mark" for conferences to which I was just attending ;-)
Last modified:
Sunday 18 February 2024
Contact for this webpage: Cyril.Banderier