Title: Modelling and verification with synchronous protocol automata Speaker: S. Ramesh, GM R&D Bangalore and IIT Bombay Abstract: Plug-n-Play style Intellectual Property(IP) reuse in System on Chip(SoC) design is facilitated by the use of an on-chip bus architecture. Component integration and verification in such systems is a cumbersome and time consuming process largely concerned with interfacing related issues. We present a synchronous, Finite State Machine based framework for modelling communication aspects of such architectures. This formalism has been developed via interaction with designers and the industry and is intuitive and light weight. We have developed cycle accurate methods which can be used for protocol specification, compatibility verification, interface synthesis and model checking with automated specification. The case studies we performed include the AMBA family of protocols and a proprietary industrial bus protocol. Our experience has shown that our models enable reasoning about and comparison of di erent bus architectures to gain valuable design insights. We demonstrate the utility of our framework by modelling the AMBA bus architecture including details such as pipelined operation, burst transfers, the AHBAPB bridge and arbitration features.