Dear Pr. Obaidat, dear Professors, This is also a great pleasure from my part to accept your nice and kind invitation. I wish the best or the conference ! Best regards Gérard H. E. Duchamp PS : By the way, I would like to improve the announcement of the workshop through minor changes (some typos + my affiliation which, by this period, is double : Paris 13 and Rouen). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Announcement II %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Workshop on Simulation, Evolution and Graphics October 6, 2004, Al-Salt, Jordan In conjunction with Jordan International Conference on Computer Sciences and Engineering Al-Balqa Applied University Al-Salt, Jordan, October 4-7, 2004 Description: Mathematics, Computer and Biological Sciences are high consumers of models which are natural expressions of their operative concepts. Moreover for many other sciences like physics, chemistry and sociology to cite only a few, the science of modeling tries to create appropriate conceptual tools to analyze and better understand natural and artificial phenomena. Graph models and their variants allow expressive formulations of precedence relations or of interacting systems or also simply describe automatic processes. An evolution is the heart of dynamic systems and gives rise to bio-inspired methodologies for simulations. It is the ambition of this workshop to highlight various types of models in terms of conceptual formalizations and in terms of operative tools. Topics: The expected submissions can be located within one or several of the following sub-topics (non-restrictive list): * computational models * combinatorial models * dynamic systems models * automata with or without multiplicities * efficient algebraic structures * graph-based simulation * applied evolutionary models * graph-based models for bio-informatic * medical an biological sciences Submission of papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit abstract or complete manuscript in PDF or Postscript format to the workshop organizers. Only electronic submissions, via email, are authorized. The text must be in double-spaced format using 12-point size type. Abstract (at most 2 pages) may be sent in the first step of submission. In final step, complete manuscript has to be sent and must not exceed 16 pages including figures and tables. In the submission mail, the author should furnish the following information: Title of manuscript, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), clearly specifying the contacting author, all authors' postal and email addresses, phone numbers and 5 to 7 keywords. Papers will be evaluated by two referees. Workshop deadlines: Deadline for abstract: July 31, 2004. Deadline for full manuscript: August 15, 2004. Notification of Acceptance: August 31, 2004. Preliminary program: September 15, 2004. Workshop Date; October 6, 2004. Fees: Since JICCSE is the first conference organized by Al-BAQA Applied University, no fees are required. Conference proceeding will cost $20. For accommodations and transport, see CALL FOR PAPERS Page. Workshop organizers: Cyrille Bertelle - LIH - Le Havre University, France, Gérard Duchamp - LIFAR - Rouen University, Institut Galilée - Paris 13 University, France Workshop administrative director: Khalaf Katatneh - LIFAR - Rouen University, France