De: Professor Noureddine Boudriga À:, Date: 22 oct. 2005 09:50 Objet: your workshop Répondre | Répondre à tous | Transférer | Imprimer | Ajouter l'expéditeur à la liste de contacts | Placer ce message dans la corbeille | Signaler comme phishing | Afficher l'original Dear Gerard. The preparation of ICECS 2005 is almost done. It is now time to discuss the organization of your tutorial. I did not answer your mails before today because We had made a clear procedure to insert/request for the organization of workshops/tutorial and had fixed July 15th as a deadline to submit the request to the organizing committe (and only showed up two days before the submission first deadline) Please provide me with information such as: - The Number of submitted papers - If you agree with the IEEE rules related to the registration of workshop organizers - If the date of December 14 is a real constraint And I will back to complete the discussion Regards