Dear Guys,

J'ai juste corrigé l'anglais. Je reprendrai le tout plus tard.


In this paper, we deal with some multi-agent systems modeling, based on
population of automata. We focus our attention with automatic
computation of emerging systems. A multi-scale representation is
proposed here and consists in representing the internal states of an
agent behavior by a automaton with multiplicities, on the one hand, and an

adaptive global system behavior by a genetic algorithm over a population
of automata, on the other hand. This genetic process can lead to
generate many new automata which behavior can be eventually similar. The
role played by shift operators is to identify these similar behaviors .
Two applications are presented. The first one concerns adaptive
strategies in game theory. The second one concerns an automatic emerging
computation of self-organized multi-agent systems based on the
efficience of operation expressivity of automata with multiplicities.