Bonjour Cyrille et Rawan, Très beau papier. je me suis contenté de corriger quelques fautes d'anglais. Bien amicalement GHED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Abstract l1 [swarm intelligence algorithm is presented]-->[swarm intelligence algorithms are presented] l6 [nest building algorithm has been proposed to have multi center adaptive process.]--> [nest building algorithms has been proposed to have a multi center adaptive process.] INTRODUCTION l5 [morphogenetic feedback]-->[morphogenetic feedbacks] c1 l-4 [A better understanding of such dynamics allows]--> [A better understanding of such a dynamics needs] c2 l5 [to describe rule-based system]--> [to describe rule-based systems] l8 [dynamical emergence on more general space]--> [dynamical emergence on more general spaces] l10 [In section 2, complex system concepts]--> [In section 2, complex systems concepts] 2.1 Complex System Concepts l-1 [system which link these constiuents, using a decentralized]--> [system which links these constiuents, using a decentralized] p2 c1 l3 [In complex system modelling,]--> [In complex systems modelling,] l6 [and lead to the creation]--> [and leads to the creation] l12 [the system but he can also be]--> [the system but it can also be] c2 l7 [The applications we focuss on]--> [The applications we focus on] l10 [As an artificial ecosystems,]--> [As an artificial ecosystem,] l17 [processes in urban can be modelled using such methodology.]--> [processes in urban area can be modelled using such a methodology.] l19 [It is typically a multi-criteria selforganization processes]--> [It is typically a multi-criteria selforganization process] [emergent usage oo urban equipment]--> [emergent usage of urban equipment] l-15 [but reacts in autonoumous way.]--> [but reacts in an autonoumous way.] l-11 [For exemple,]-->[For example,] [is a such method family]-->[is a such a family of methods] l-3 [and the other represent]-->[and the other represents] p3 c1 l18 [the metaphor of immune system as a collective]--> [the metaphor of an immune system as a collective] l-12 [multi-center and multi-criteria problem]--> [multi-center and multi-criteria problems] c2 [carrying yet material and find some material]--> [carrying yet material and finds some material] l9 [the probability to deposite]--> [the probability to deposit] l16 [the first random moves that the ants start to do]--> [the first random moves that the ants starts to do] l-14 [This method follow the algorithm known]--> [This method follows the algorithm known] l-8 [The ant has to deposite the material]--> [The ant has to deposit the material] p4 c1 [to interface with geographical database and]--> [to interface with geographical databases and] l8 [the ant moving without material are the green circles, the ant carrying material]--> [the ants moving without material are the green circles, the ants carrying material] p5 c1 [one of the most relevent problems]--> [one of the most relevant problems]