Title: "Dynamic combinatorics, complex systems and applications to physics" Speaker: Professor Gérard H.E. Duchamp (LIPN, Paris 13 University, France) Abstract: We focus our attention for this seminar on some innovative works on emergence computation from interaction networks which are nowadays powerful tools for modeling complexity. A special care will be addressed to dynamic structures which motion can follow some properties and/or can be in correspondence to some enumerative structures. The associated evolutionary systems which can be modeled by these structures, are often built on elementary transition rules and lead to emergent properties. The goal is to find a better understanding of evolvable complex systems by these methodologies. Applications of dynamics structures will be given in physics. Outline: - Transition systems (finite and infinite) examples will be taken from Computer Sciences and Quantum Physics - Variations on coefficients : semirings - Rationality, matrices and paths - Distances, Control and genetic algorithms - Collective modelling (communities, schelling etc...) Speaker's short biography: Professor Gérard H.E. Duchamp is one of the founders of the series of congresses FPSAC. Born in 1951 (Paris, France), he took his studies and degrees in the region of Ile de France and began trainer for the competitive examinations of "Grandes écoles". He received his Ph. D. and Habilitation from Paris-Jussieu University under the direction of Dominique Perrin and Marcel Paul Schützenberger (a member of the French Academy of Sciences), both founders of the french school of Theoretical Computer Science. Pr. G. H. E. Duchamp's interests cover essentially the interplay between computation and the other areas of knowledge. His publications cover many domains where computation is involved such as: Automata Theory, Lie algebras, Quantum groups, Combinatorics (he made a video on the subject with Xavier Viennot), Computer algebra, Representation Theory and Quantum Physics. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%