from Petitot_Michel to date 3 March 2009 21:12 subject participation "session spéciale" ICCSA'2009 hide details 21:12 (3 hours ago) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply Cher Gérard, En ce moment, j'encadre la thèse de S. Vidal qui travaille sur le comptage des triangulations. Voici le resume de Samuel Counting unrooted triangulations A triangulation of a compact oriented surface is described by two permutations satifying simple relations. We propose to present a counting of triangulations up to isomorphism using cycle index generating series. The conjugacy classes of subgroups in the modular groups SL(2,Z) can be counted using similar techniques. We have writen a program to generate an exhaustive list of those triagulations. Tres cordialement, -- Michel PETITOT, PR, Univ. Lille I, LIFL, Bat. M3, bureau 101, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, FRANCE. Phone: +33 3 28 77 85 22 Portable: 06 87 73 95 20, Fax: 33 (0)3 28 77 85 37, Email:, Web: