23. Grozavu N., Rogovschi N., Cabanes G., Troya-Galvis A., Gancarski P.: “VHR
satellite image segmentation based on topological unsupervised learning”. MVA 2015:
24. Grozavu N., Cabanes G., Bennani Y.: “Diversity analysis in collaborative cluster-
ing”. IJCNN 2014: 1754-1761 (rank A)
25. Rogovschi N., Grozavu N.: “Opinion retrieval through unsupervised topological
learning”. IJCNN 2014: 3130-3134 (rank A)
26. Grozavu N., Bennani Y. (2013), “Structural memory based under-sampling for im-
balanced distributions”,in Proc. ECDA, European Conference on Data Analysis, July
10 - 12, 2013 in Luxembourg.
27. Nikulin V., Rogovschi N., Grozavu N., (2013) “Incremental Learning from Several
Different Microarrays”, in Proc. IJCNN, IEEEInternational Joint Conference on Neu-
ral Network, Dallas, TX- August 4-9, 2013. (rank A)
28. Ghassany M., Grozavu N., Bennani Y. (2013), “Collaborative Multi-View Cluster-
ing”,in Proc. IJCNN, IEEEInternational Joint Conference on Neural Network, Dallas,
TX- August 4-9, 2013. (rank A)
29. Ghassany M., Grozavu N., Bennani Y. Collaborative generative topographic map-
ping. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference On Neural Information
Processing (ICONIP 2012), Part II, volume 7664 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sci-
ence, pages 591-598, Doha, Qatar, nov 2012. Springer, (rank A) .
30. Grozavu N., Bennani Y., Labiod L. Feature space transformation for transfer learn-
ing. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN
2012), pages 2637-2642. IEEE, 2012, (rank A) .
31. Grozavu N., Bennani Y. (2011), “Simultaneous pattern and variable weighting dur-
ing topological clustering”,in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Springer,
Proc of ICONIP’11 : 18th International Conference on Neural Information Process-
ing, p. 570-579, Nov 14-17, 2011, Shanghai, China, (rank A) .
32. Grozavu N., Ghassany M., Bennani Y. (2011), “Learning Confidence Exchange in
Collaborative Clustering ”,in Proc. of IJCNN, IEEE International Joint Conference
on Neural Network, San Jose, California, 2011, (rank A) .
33. Rogovschi N., Grozavu N., A Content-based Image Retrieval System Based on Un-
supervised Topological Learning, in Proc. ICMIA’10 : IEEE International Conference
on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applications, 2010, p.398-394,
Seoul, Korea, 2010