Actes des conférences internationales avec comité de lecture

C33 A. Zaiou, Y. Bennani, B. Matei, M. Hibti. A quantum learning approach based on Hidden Markov Models for failure
scenarios generation, Asia Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Machine Learning (CACML 2022).

C32 A. Zaiou, Y. Bennani, B. Matei, M. Hibti. Balanced k-means using quantum annealing. In IEEE Symposium Series
on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2021, Orlando, FL, USA, IEEE, 2021.

C31 K. Benlamine, Y. Bennani, B. Matei and N. Grozavu. Quantum semi non-negative matrix factorization. In A.
Abraham, Y. Ohsawa, N. Gandhi, M. A. Jabbar, A. Haqiq, S. F. McLoone, B. Issac, editors, Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2020), volume 1383 of Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2020.

C30 K. Benlamine, Y. Bennani, N. Grozavu, B. Matei, Quantum Collaborative K-means, IEEE IJCNN, 2020

C29 K. Benlamine, Y. Bennani, A. Zaiou, M Hibti, B. Matei, N. Grozavu, Distance estimation for quantum prototypes
based clustering, ICONIP, 2019

C28 K. Benlamine, N. Grozavu, Y. Bennani, B. Matei, Collaborative Non-negative Matrix Factorization, International
Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 2019

C27 BC. Thai, A. Mokraoui, B. Matei, HDR Image Tone Mapping Histogram Adjustment with Using An Optimized
Contrast Parameter, International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC) 2018

C26 BC. Thai, A. Mokraoui, B. Matei, Piecewise linear perceptual quantizer as a non-uniform histogram equalization
adjustment for contrast enhancement of tone mapped HDR images, 9th International Symposium on Signal, Image,
Video and Communications 2018

C25 P. Rastin, G. Cabanes, B. Matei„ JM Marty, Change Detection in Individual Users’ Behavior International Conference
on Artificial Neural Networks, 2018

C24 BC. Thai, A. Mokraoui, B. Matei, HDR Image Tone Mapping Approach based on Near Optimal Separable Adaptive
Lifting Scheme, Signal Processing 2018

C23 P. Rastin, B. Matei, Prototype-based Clustering for Relational Data using Barycentric Coordinates, IEEE IJCNN

C22 J. Sublime, D. Maurel, N. Grozavu, B. Matei, Y. Bennani, Optimizing exchange confidence during collaborative
clustering, IEEE IJCNN 2018.

C21 I. Falih, N. Grozavu, R. Kanawati, Y. Bennani, B. Matei, Collaborative Multi-View Attributed Networks Minning,

C20 S. Boulbazine, G. Cabanes, B. Matei, Y. Bennani, Online Semi-supervised Growing Neural Gas for Multi-labels Data
Classification, IEEE IJCNN 2018.

C19 P. A. Murena, J. Sublime, B. Matei, A. Cornuéjols. An information theory based approach to multisource clustering,
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, 2018.

C18 I. Brahmi, G. Cabanes, Y. Bennani, B. Matei, Learning Useful Representations Through a Stacked Self Organizing
Maps IEEE IJCNN 2018.

C17 P. Rastin, B. Matei, G. Cabanes, I. El Baghdadi, Incremental Matrix Reordering for Similarity-Based Dynamic
Datasets, IEEE-DSAA 2017.

C16 C. Laclau, B. Matei, I. Redko, Y. Bennani Co-clustering throught Optimal Transport, ICML 2017.

C15 A. Lachaud, N. Grozavu, B.Matei, Y. Bennani, Collaborative Clustering between Different Topological Partitions,

C14 J. Sublime, B. Matei, P. A. Murena, Analysis of the influence of diversity in collaborative and multi-view clustering,

C13 P. Rastin, B. Matei, G. Cabanes, I. El Baghdadi, Signal-Based Autonomous Clustering for Relational Data, IEEE
IJCNN, 2017.

C12 A. Husseis, A.Mokraoui, B. Matei Revisited histogram equalization as HDR images tone mapping operators, IEEE
International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2017 .

C11 B. Matei, R. Cohen et Y. Bennani, Hybrid approach for image reconstruction based on simple quasicrystals and L1 minimization, AAFD&SFC’16, 2016.

C10 B. Thai, A. Mokraoui, B. Matei, Performance Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping Operators
Based on Separable Non-linear Multiresolution Families, IEEE-EUSIPCO 2016

C9 S. Cherki, P. Rastin, G. Cabanes, B. Matei Improved Sparse Prototyping for Relational K-means, IEEE-SSCI Thessaloniki

C8 B. Matei et Y. Bennani Pruned simple model sets for fast exact recovery of image, ICDM workshop, 2015.

C7 M. Kaaniche, B. Matei et S. Meignen Optimized Lifting Schemes Based on ENO Stencils for Image Approximation,
ICIP, 2015.

C6 B. Matei, Exact reconstruction of a class of nonnegative measures using model sets, IEEE - Sampling Theory and
Applications (Sampta), 2015 International Conference on Sampling Theory.

C5 B. Matei et S. Meignen, A. Zakharova, On a (W)ENO-type Multiscales representation based on quincunx refinement :
Application to image compression, Curves and surfaces. Revised selected papers. Berlin : Springer. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 6920, 2012.

C4 J.F. Aujol et B. Matei Simultaneous edge and texture compression, ICPR International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, 2004.

C3 B. Matei Nonlinear Multiscales Methods and theirs applications to homogenization International Conference : New
Trends Continuum Mechanics, Constanta, 2003.

C2 F. Arandiga, A. Cohen, M. Doblas, R. Donat, B. Matei, Sparse representations of images by edge adapted non-linear
Multiscales transforms, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, 2003.

C1 A. Cohen et B. Matei, Compact representations of images by edge adapted Multiscales transform, IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Octobre 2001.