

The Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord plays a major role in research in computer science within the northern Paris area. Researchers in the Collodi project are part of the Logic, Computation and Reasoning group of LIPN, among whose main research directions there are proof theory, linear logic, lambda-calculus and functional programming, implicit computational complexity, denotational semantics, and algebraic combinatorics. LIPN is situated in Villetaneuse, in the northern suburbs of Paris, within the campus of the Université Paris 13 (about 45 minutes from the city center by public transportation).

These are the participants at LIPN:

Additionally, at LIPN we have/have had two post-doctoral researchers, for a period of 6 moths each, fully supported by the project:


The laboratory Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes is internationally recognized as one of the leading research laboratories in mathematics and computer science, with its distinctive proof-theoretic culture. Its main research topics include linear logic, ludics, rewriting theory, category theory, type theory, concurrency theory and probabilistic models, but the laboratory also offers a wide spectrum of other computer science subjects, including software development (open source, web programming, proof assistants). The laboratory PPS is located in Chevaleret, the largest research community of mathematicians in France. The laboratory PPS is also part of the Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris.

These are the participants at PPS:

Additionally, at PPS we have one post-doctoral researcher, for a period of 12 moths each, fully supported by the project: