
Visiting Professor at:

  • IPI-PAN, Warsaw, Poland, from October 26th to November 1st 2024 ; August 18th to 23rd, 2024.

Last publications

Sami Evangelista, Lars Michael Kristensen and Laure Petrucci. Evaluation of Distributed Explicit State Space Exploration Algorithms with State Reconstruction for RDMA Networks. STTT, 2025. To appear.
Yan Kim, Wojciech Jamroga, Wojciech Penczek and Laure Petrucci. Practical Abstractions for Model Checking Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems. AAMAS, May 2025. To appear.
Wojciech Jamroga, Marta Kwiatkowska, Wojciech Penczek, Laure Petrucci and Teofil Sidoruk. Probabilistic Timed ATL. AAMAS, May 2025. To appear.
Wojciech Penczek, Laure Petrucci and Teofil Sidoruk. Satisfiability Checking for (Strategic) Timed CTL Using IMITATOR. ICAART, February 2025. To appear.
Jaime Arias, Kyungmin Bae, Carlos Olarte, Peter Ölveczky and Laure Petrucci. A rewriting-logic-with-SMT-based formal analysis and parameter synthesis framework for parametric time Petri nets. Fundamenta Informaticae, 2024.
Jaime Arias, Carlos Olarte, Wojciech Penczek, Laure Petrucci and Teofil Sidoruk. Model Checking and Synthesis for Strategic Timed CTL using Strategies in Rewriting Logics. PPDP'24, September 2024.
Étienne André, Jaime Arias, Benoît Barbot, Francis Hulin-Hubard, Fabrice Kordon, Van-François Le and Laure Petrucci. CosyVerif: the Path to Formalisms Cohabitation. PN'24, June 2024.
Jaime Arias, Kyungmin Bae, Carlos Olarte, Peter Ölveczky, Laure Petrucci and Fredrik Rømming. Symbolic Analysis and Parameter Synthesis for Networks of Parametric Timed Automata with Global Variables using Maude and SMT Solving. Science of Computer Programming, March 2024.
Mikael Bisgaard Dahlsen-Jensen, Baptiste Fiévet, Laure Petrucci and Jaco van de Pol. On-The-Fly Algorithm for Reachability in Parametric Timed Games. TACAS'24, April 2024.
Jaime Arias, Carlos Olarte, Łukasz Maśko, Wojciech Penczek, Laure Petrucci and Teofil Sidoruk. Optimal Scheduling of Agents in ADTrees: Specialized Algorithm and Declarative Models. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, January 2024.
Nicolas Amat, Elvio G. Amparore, Bernard Berthomieu, Pierre Bouvier, Silvano Dal Zilio, P.G. Jensen, Loïg Jezequel, Fabrice Kordon, S. Li, Emmanuel Paviot-Adet, Laure Petrucci, Jiri Srba, Yann Thierry-Mieg and Karsten Wolf. Behind the Scene of the Model Checking Contest, Analysis of Results from 2018 to 2023. Toolympics, 2024.


I teach in the BUT technology bachelor programme at the Networks and Telecommunications department of the Technology Institute of Villetaneuse, Université Paris 13, as well as in the Master ICT at the University of Science and Technology in Hanoï (USTH), Vietnam. For more information about my lectures, refer to the relevant section on the french version of my web page (enseignement).


Presentation of the CosyVerif platform

Presentation of the ADT2AMAS tool

Tutorial on Parametric verification

Tutorial on Symmetric nets

Conférence: Sécurité, Sûreté et Confidentialité
10 mai 2016, Université Paris 13 (in french)