F. Toumazet, Thèse de doctorat réalisée sous la direction des Professeurs
J.-Y. Thibon et B. G. Wybourne, soutenue le 26 novembre 1999
Combinatorial Algorithms for Non compact Lie groups relevant to physics.
J.-Y. Thibon, F. Toumazet et B. G. Wybourne,
Products and plethysms for the fundamental harmonic series representation of U(p,q)
Journal of Physics A, Math. Gen. 30, pp. 4851 - 4856, (1997).
J.-Y. Thibon, F. Toumazet et B. G. Wybourne,
Symmetrized squares and cubes of the fundamental unnireps of Sp(2n,R)
Journal of Physics A, Math. Gen. 31, pp. 1073 - 1086, (1998).
R. C. King, F. Toumazet et B. G. Wybourne,
Products and symmetrised powers of irreducible representations of SO*(2n)
Journal of Physics A, Math. Gen. 31, pp. 6691-6705 (1998)
F. Toumazet,
Generic products for Sp(2n,R) and
SO*(2n), Proceedings of the Fifth's International School
on Theoretical Physics, Zajackowo (Poznan), Pologne, World Scientific (1999), 182-187.
F. Toumazet,
Decomposition of certain tensor products for some non-compact Lie groups,
actes du congrès, Séries Formelles et Combinatoire Algébrique (FPSAC 99), Barcelone juin 1999.
R. C. King, F. Toumazet et B. G. Wybourne,
A finite subgroup of the exceptional Lie Group G_2
Journal of Physics A, Math. Gen. 32, pp. 8527-8537 (1999).
G. Duchamp, C. Tollu et F. Toumazet,
q-uon algebras and deformed shuffle formulas, GROUP 24 : Physical and
Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries, proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Group Theoritical
Methods in Physics Paris, 15-20 July 2002, IoP conference series 173, 803-806.
R. C. King, F. Toumazet et B. G. Wybourne,
The square of the Vandermonde determinant and its q-generalisation
Journal of Physics A, Math. Gen. 37, pp. 735-767 (2004).
R. C. King, C. Tollu et F. Toumazet,
Stretched Littlewood-Richardson
and Kostka coefficients CRM proceedings and Lecture Notes, vol 34 (2004).
J. Nzeutchap, F. Toumazet et F. Butelle,
Kostka numbers and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients: distributed computation.
In R.C. King, M. Bylicki and J. Karwowski (eds), Symmetry, Spectroscopy and SCHUR, Proc. Prof. Brian G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting,
Torun, Pologne , 12-14 Juin 2005, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Torun, Pologne, 2006, 211-222.
F. Toumazet,
Characterization of generic products in Sp(2n,R),
In R.C. King, M. Bylicki and J. Karwowski (eds), Symmetry, Spectroscopy and SCHUR, Proc. Prof. Brian G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting,
Torun, Pologne , 12-14 Juin 2005, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Torun, Pologne, 2006, 281-292.
R. C. King, C. Tollu et F. Toumazet,
The Hive Model and the Polynomial Nature of the streched Littlewood-Richardson coefficients
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 54A (2006) (19pp).
R. C. King, C. Tollu et F. Toumazet,
The Hive Model and the factorisation of Kostka coefficients
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 54A (2006) (22pp).
J.-G. Luque, J.-Y. Thibon et F. Toumazet,
Unitary invariants of qubit systems,
à paraitre dans Math. Struct. of Comp. Sc. (19pp)