
The Desktop Grid offers solutions to overcome several challenges and to answer increasingly needs of scientific computing. This technology consists mainly in exploiting PC resources, geographically dispersed, to treat time consuming applications and/or important storage capacity requiring applications. However, as resources number increases, the need for scalability, self-organisation, dynamic reconfiguration, decentralization and performance becomes more and more essential. Since such properties are exhibited by P2P systems, the convergence of grid computing and P2P computing seems natural. In this context, this paper evaluates the scalability and performance of P2P tools for registering and discovering services (Publish/Subscribe systems). Three protocols are used in this purpose: Bonjour, Avahi and Pastry. We have studied the behaviour of these protocols related to two criteria: the elapsed time for registrations services and the needed time to discover new services. Our aim is to analyse these results in order to choose the most adequate protocol for creating a decentralized middleware for Desktop Grid.

A few words about this set of articles

This is really a set of articles. The work was done mainly by Heithem Abbes, a Tunisian phD student advised jointly by Christophe Cérin and Mohamed Jemni at UTIC). I collaborated from afar as much as I could given the distance. Among other things, I wrote the slides presented to EUMEDGrid 2007. They were also presented at Renpar 18 by Heithem.

This article is more of a position and investigation article. We try to analyse whether classic services discovery protocols are fit for the desktop Grid (at least local desktop grids). FreePastry was not in the initial project. The result is bad news, except maybe for Bonjour.

An abridged version was finally published for SGS 2008 (a satellite conference of Europar 2008). The presentation was performed by Heithem.

The documents

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  author =    {Heithem Abbes and Jean-Christophe Dubacq},
  title =      {Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Protocols Performance for Establishing a Decentralized Desktop Grid Middleware},
  booktitle =   {Euro-Par 2008 Workshops - Parallel Processing},
  pages =     {235-246},
  year =    {2009},
  editor =     {Eduardo C{\'e}sar and Michael Alexander and Achim Streit and Jesper Larsson Träff and Christophe C{\'e}rin and Andreas Kn{\"u}pfer and Dieter Kranzlmüller and Shantenu Jha},
  volume =      {5415},
  series =     {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  month =     apr,
  publisher =      {Springer},
  isbn =           {978-3-642-00954-9}
  author =      {Heithem Abbes and Christophe C\'erin and Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Mohamed Jemni},
  title =     {Performance Analysis of Publish/Subscribe Systems},
  institution =  {Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris Nord},
  year =    {2007},
  type =   {Rapport de recherche / Research Report},
  number =   {XX},
  month =    jul
  url =          {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00159388/fr/},
  author =    {Heithem Abbes and Christophe C{\'e}rin and Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Mohamed Jemni},
  title =   {{\'E}tude de performance des syst{\`e}mes de d{\'e}couverte de ressources},
  booktitle = {{A}ctes de {F}ribourg'2008 : {R}enpar'18 / {S}ymp{A}'2008 / {CFSE}'6 },
  address =   {{F}ribourg, {S}witzerland},
  year =      {2008},
  month =      feb,
  note =         {{P}ublication on {CDROM} only },
  url =          {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00276323/en/},