Current Teaching
I teach at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, mostly in the computer science department.
I am the head of the P2S Master of computer science (programming, safety, security) at Institut Galilée.
I mostly teach courses related to networks, object oriented programming, human machine interfaces, algorithms, and verification of timed systems and parametric timed systems.
Some course material (in French): Web development.
I have taught in various occasions in English in France, Vietnam and Japan.
Former teaching
IUT Charlemagne (Université de Lorraine)
Some course material (in French): networks, Unix systems, algorithms and data structures.
IUT de Villetaneuse
I have been teaching from 2011 to 2018 at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (formerly Université Paris 13), in both continuous and initial training, mostly in the network and telecommunications department, as well as in the P2S Master of Institut Galilée.
Some course material (in French): Web development, verification of parametric timed systems.
Polytech Paris-Saclay
I have been a teaching assistant from 2007 to 2010 at Polytech Paris-Saclay (formerly Polytech Paris Sud, formerly IFIPS) and teaching following tutorials to 4th year students:
- 2009–2010 :
- Compilation tutorial (lecture by Frédéric Voisin)
- Automata, Calculability and Complexity tutorial (lecture by Philippe Dague)
- Advanced Objet Concepts: Tutorial and practicals (lecture by Frédéric Voisin)
- Management of 2 apprentices
- 2008–2009 :
- Compilation tutorial (lecture by Frédéric Voisin)
- Compilation project (lecture by Frédéric Voisin)
- Management of 2 apprentices
- Internship management
- 2007–2008 :
- Compilation tutorial (lecture by Frédéric Voisin)
- Compilation project (lecture by Frédéric Voisin)
- Advanced Objet Concepts: Tutorial and practicals (lecture by Frédéric Voisin)
- Internship management
I was also a teaching assistant at INSA de Rennes.
- 2006–2007: supervising Scheme and Java practicals for engineer students