Abstracts of talks at the Urbana Champaign IFIP WG1.3 meeting
Abstracts of talks at the Urbana Champaign IFIP WG1.3 meeting (July 31st-August 2nd, 2008)
== Thursday, July 31st, 2008
- 1 - Andrzej Tarlecki,
Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw,
and Institute of Computer Science PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Heterogeneous logical environments for distributed specifications
[Joint work with Till Mossakowski, Maria Victoria Cengarle,
Alexander Knapp, Martin Wirsing, Adam Warski]
We work within the theory of institutions as an excellent framework
where the theory of specification and formal software development may
be presented in an adequately general and abstract way. As different
logical systems may be appropriate or most convenient for
specification of different modules of the same system, of different
aspects of system behaviour, or of different stages of system
development, we the need for a number of logical systems to be used
the same specification and development project. This motivates
presented research on specifications in heterogeneous logical
We formalise logical systems as institutions. To enable a sensible
of a number of institutions together, in heterogeneous logical
environments we link them with each other by institution morphisms or
other maps between institutions, like institution comorphisms. Using
them together with other standard (intra-institutional)
specification-building operations, one builds heterogeneous
specifications, which may involve a number of institutions
to specify
some aspects or some parts of the system, but ultimately
focus at one
institution of interest.
One family of logical systems is suggested by UML, where system
specifications typically involve a number of diagrams of different
kinds, each capturing a different aspect of the system. Each kind of
UML diagrams leads to a separate logical system which, at least in
principle, can be formalised as an institution. Expected
between system properties specified by different kinds
of UML diagrams
may now be captured using appropriate institution
maps. UML
specifications, however, are quite different from focused
heterogeneous specifications mentioned above. They just form a
collection of specifications residing in different institutions of
We present a general abstract concept of a distributed heterogeneous
specifcations that consist of a collection of specifications focused
at various institutions in an underlying heterogeneous logical
environment, linked by specification morphisms generalised by
involving institution maps. Distributed heterogeneous specifications
come equipped with a rather natural semantics, given in terms of
compatible families of models of component specifications. This
in the standard way a number of usual concepts: consistency,
consequence, and perhaps most importantly, implementation of
distributed specification by another.
Each basic concept of a map between institutions can be captured by
institution (co)morphisms --- as a span of (co)morphisms. Replacing
map between institutions by an appropriate span of comorphisms
one to represent exactly the same relationship between
and their components. However, the categories of
specifications that
emerge in each case are different. Nevertheless,
we argue that the
expressive power of distributed specicfications
built over them does
not essentially differ.
- 2 - Martin Wirsing
What is a multi-paradigm language?
[Joint work with Artur Boronat, Alexander Knapp, Jose Meseguer]
- 3 - Jan Rutten
Regular expressions coalgebraically
Regular expressions, formal languages and automata
are presented
form a coalgebraic perspective, for
(a) classical regular expressions;
(b) Kleene algebra with tests;
(c) generalised regular expressions for polynomial functors.
- J. Rutten: Automata and coinduction (an exercise in coalgebra),
CONCUR 1998.
- D. Kozen: On the coalgebraic theory of Kleene algebra with tests,
Technical Report, Computing and Information Science, Cornell
University, March 2008.
- M. Bonsangue, J. Rutten and A. Silva: A Kleene theorem
for polynomial
coalgebras, 2008.
== Friday, August 1st, 2008
- 4 - Bartek Klin
Structural operational semantics of stochastic systems
[Joint work with Vladimiro Sassone]
We use the bialgebraic approach due to Turi and Plotkin to derive a
syntactic framework for defining
well-behaved structural operational
semantics for Markovian process algebras. We use this application to
argue that on an abstract level, structural operational semantics
should be understood as a way to distribute process syntax over
behaviour, rather than as a way of defining labeled transition
relations by induction.
- 5 - Narciso Marti-Oliet
A Rewriting Semantics for Maude Strategies
[Joint work with Jose Meseguer and Alberto Verdejo]
Intuitively, a strategy language is a way of taming the nondeterminism of a
rewrite theory. We can think of a strategy language S as a rewrite theory
transformation R -> S(R) such that S(R) provides a way of executing R in a
controlled way. One such theory transformation for the Maude strategy language
is presented in detail. Progress in the semantic foundations of Maude's
strategy language has led us to study some general requirements for strategy
languages. Some of these requirements, like soundness and completeness with
respect to the rewrites in R, are absolute requirements that every strategy
language should fulfill.
Other more optional requirements, that we call monotonicity and
persistence, represent the fact that no solution is ever lost.
We show that the Maude strategy language satisfies all these four requirements.
- 9 - Rolf Hennicker,
An Algebraic Semantics for Contract-based Software Components
(On Getting a Chance to Finish my AMAST Talk)
[Joint work with Michel Bidoit]
We propose a semantic foundation for the contract-based design of
software components.
Our approach focuses on the characteristic
principles of component-oriented development,
like provided and
required interface specifications and strong
Semantically, we adopt classical concepts of
mathematical logic using models,
in our framework given by labelled
transition systems with ``states as algebras'', sentences,
and a
satisfaction relation which characterizes those properties of a
component which
are observable by the user in the ``strongly
reachable'' states.
We distinguish beteween models of interfaces and
models of component bodies. The latter
are equipped with semantic
encapsulation constraints which guarantee, that if the component
is a correct user of the required interface operations, then it
can safely rely on all properties of
the required interface
specification. Our model-theoretic semantics of interfaces and
bodies suggests two semantic views on a component, its
external and its internal semantics
which must be properly related to
ensure the correctness of a component.
We also study a refinement
relation between required and provided interface
specifications of
different components used for component composition.
The full paper is available in Proc. AMAST 2008 (J. Meseguer. G. Rosu
LNCS 5140, pp. 216-231, 2008.
- 6/7 - Jose Fiadeiro,
[Joint work with Laura Bocchi and Antonia Lopes ]
Semantics of Service Discovery and Binding - Part 1, Part 2
We put forward a business-oriented operational model for the
reconfiguration process that takes place in service-oriented systems.
This model is based on a graph-based representation of the
configuration of global computers typed by business activities.
Business activities execute distributed workflows that, at run time,
can trigger the discovery, ranking and selection of services to which
they bind, thus reconfiguring the workflows.
Discovery, ranking and selection are based on the satisfaction of
business protocols and optimisation of quality of service constraints.
Binding and reconfiguration are captured as algebraic operations on
configuration graphs.
An analogy with concurrent constraint programming is used for
presenting the overall model.
- 12 - Grigore Rosu
What is a multi-paradigm language?
K is a definitional framework based on term rewriting, in which
programming languages, calculi, as well as type systems or formal
analysis tools can be defined making use of special list and/or set
structures, called cells, which can be potentially nested. In
addition to cells, K definitions contain equations capturing
structural equivalences that do not count as computational steps, and
rewrite rules capturing computational steps or irreversible
transitions. Rewrite rules in K are unconditional, i.e., they need
no computational premises (they are rule schemata and may have
ordinary side conditions, though), and they are context-insensitive,
so in K rewrite rules apply concurrently as soon as they match,
without any contextual delay or restrictions. The distinctive
feature of K compared to other term rewriting approaches in general
and to rewriting logic in particular, is that K allows rewrite rules
to apply concurrently even in cases when they overlap, provided that
they do not change the overlapped portion of the term. This allows
for truly concurrent semantics to programming languages and calculi.
For example, two threads that read the same location of memory can do
that concurrently, even though the corresponding rules overlap on the
store location being read. The distinctive feature of K compared to
other frameworks for true concurrency, like chemical abstract
machines (Chams) or membrane systems (P-systems), is that equations
and rewrite rules can match across multiple cells and thus perform
changes many places at the same time, in one step. K achieves, in
one uniform framework, the benefits of both Chams and reduction
semantics with evaluation contexts (context reduction), at the same
time avoiding what may be called the rigidity to chemistry of the
former and the rigidity to syntax of the latter. Any Cham and any
context reduction definition can be captured in K with minimal (in
our view zero) representational distance. K can support concurrent
language definitions with either an interleaving or a true
concurrency semantics. K definitions can be efficiently executed on
existing rewrite engines, thus providing interpreters for free
directly from formal language definitions. Additionally,
general-purpose formal analysis techniques and tools developed for
rewrite logic, such as state space exploration for safety violations
or model-checking, give us corresponding techniques and tools for the
defined languages, at no additional development cost.