Nistor Grozavu Personal Website

                                                              LIPN  A3  


Education and training







12/2006 12/2009

Title of qualification awarded


PhD Student. Under the direction of Prof. Younès Bennani (L.I.P.N., Paris-Nord University)


Thesis title


Collaborative Unsupervised Learning and Cluster Characterization

Name and type of organisation providing organisation and training


Computer Sciences Lab of Paris 13 University (LIPN), Villetaneuse, France

Machine Learning and Applications Team


Research interests


Unsupervised numerical learning, Data mining, Clustering, Feature selection and weighting, Self-organizing maps (SOM), Causality, Relational Analisis





9/2005 – 6/2006

Title of qualification awarded




Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered


Development and Logic, Algorithmic, Complexity, Development in entries numbers, Data Mining, Data Warehouses, etc.

Name and type of organisation providing organisation and training


Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France, Faculté de Sciences de Luminy

Fundamental Informatics Master

Level in national or international classification




Theses subject


Secured Communicated Systems of Diffusion 

I proposed a solution which deals with two problems:

- The routing in the Ad hoc networks;

 - The safety of the routing.




9/2001 – 6/2005

Title of qualification awarded


Engineer (Applied and System Developer) 

Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered


POO, Unified Model Language (Rational Rose), discrete mathematical, data bases, data structures and algorithms, web developing, formals languages, java programming (including j2ee), etc.

Name and type of organisation providing organisation and training


Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova
Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics Faculty 
IT - French Specialty

Level in national or international classification






6/2003 - 8/2003

Title of qualification awarded


Professional and cultural stage

Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered


Artificial Intelligence (Win Prolog), studies of data bases administration, users interface

Name and type of organisation providing organisation and training


Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Informatics Department



About Me

Born in Chisinau, Moldova (ex USSR, Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic) at 12 mars 1984.

Nationality: moldavian