Library Top.Terme

This file is part of the IE library
Copyright (C) El Ouraoui, Mayero, Mazza
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details.

Require Export Arith.
Require Export Compare_dec.
Require Export Relations.
Require Export Omega.

Les termes

Inductive term : Set :=
| TVar : nat term
| TAbs : term term
| TApp : term term term
| TSub : term term term.
Notation "t [ u ]" := (TSub t u)(at level 70).
Notation "\" := (TAbs ) (at level 66).
Notation "u @ v" := (TApp u v) (at level 66).

Mise à jours des indices de de Bruijn

Fixpoint lift_rec n t {struct t} : nat term :=
  fun k
    match t with
      | TVar i
        match le_gt_dec k i with
          | left _TVar (n + i)
          | right _TVar i
      | \u\(lift_rec n u (S k))
      | u @ v(lift_rec n u k) @ (lift_rec n v k)
      | u [v](lift_rec n u (S k))[(lift_rec n v k)]

Definition lift n t := lift_rec n t 0.
Definition shift t := lift 1 t.

Définition de la substitution explicite M{k/N}

Fixpoint subst_rec u t {struct t} : nat term :=
  fun k
    match t with
      | TVar i
        match eq_nat_dec k i with
          | left _u
          | right _TVar i
      | \v\(subst_rec (shift u) v (S k))
      | w@v(subst_rec u w k)@(subst_rec u v k)
      | w[v](subst_rec (shift u) w (S k))[(subst_rec u v k)]

Definition subs_recbis u x t:= subst_rec u t x.
Notation " t { x := u } " := (subs_recbis u x t)(at level 0).

Lemma subst_nothing' :
   u u', j n, n > 0
   (lift_rec n u j) { j := u'} = (lift_rec n u j).

Lemma subst_nothing :
   u u',
   (shift u) { 0 := u'} = (shift u).

Lemma lift_rec0 : t k, lift_rec 0 t k = t.

Lemma lift0 : t, lift 0 t = t.

Fixpoint is_free k t :=
  match t with
    | TVar jk j
    | \uis_free (S k) u
    | u@vis_free k u is_free k v
    | u[v]is_free (S k) u is_free k v

Quelques lemmes élémentaires concernant lift et subst

Lemma lift_var_ge :
   k n p, p n lift_rec k (TVar n) p = TVar (k + n).

Lemma lift_var_lt : k n p, p > n lift_rec k (TVar n) p = TVar n.

Lemma subst_var_diff : u n k, k n (TVar n){k := u} = TVar n.

Lemme de simplification du lift

Lemma simpl_lift_rec :
   t n k p i,
    i k + n
    k i lift_rec p (lift_rec n t k) i = lift_rec (p + n) t k.

Lemma simpl_lift : t n, lift (S n) t = shift (lift n t).

Lemme de commutativité des indices pour lift

Lemma lift_commut: a k i j p, k p
                                      lift_rec i (lift_rec j a p) k = lift_rec j (lift_rec i a k) (i + p).

Lemma shift_commut: u j, lift j (shift u) = shift (lift j u).

Lemma lift_commut_of_succ:
   u n k,
    lift_rec n (lift_rec 1 u k) (k+1) = lift_rec 1 (lift_rec n u k) k.

Lemma commut_lift_subst_rec :
   t u n k h,
    k h
    lift_rec n (t {h := u}) k = (lift_rec n t k) {(n+h) := (lift_rec n u k)}.

Commutativité entre lift et substitution

Lemma commut_lift_subst :
   t u k, (shift t) {(S k) := shift u} = shift t {k := u}.

Lemmes pour le prédicat gc de la réduction

Lemma substFree_eq:
   t u x, is_free x t t{x := u} = t.

Fixpoint num_occ t n :nat :=
  match t with
    |TVar xif n =? x then 1
               else 0
     num_occ u (S n)
    |u @ v
     num_occ u n + num_occ v n
    | u [v]
     num_occ u (S n) + num_occ v n

Lemma var_occ :
   n i,
    num_occ (TVar n) i = 0 n i.

Lemma no_occ_of_x :
   t u u', i,
    num_occ t i = 0 t{i := u} = t{i := u'}.

Lemma free_lift :
   u:term, n k j:nat,
    0 j j k < n+j
    num_occ (lift_rec n u j) k = 0.