Welcome to the webpage of Khaydar NURLIGAREEV

I am a postdoc at LIB, University of Burgundy, where I work with Sergey Kirgizov, Célia Biane, Jean-Luc Baril and Vincent Vajnovszki.

I obtained my PhD at LIPN, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, under supervision of Lionel Pournin and Thierry Monteil.
Here you can find detailed information, including the abstract and manuscript, as well as defense slides.

© Sergey Dovgal


I work in Enumerative and Analytic Combinatorics. Also, I am interested in Tilings and Lattice Models.

Curriculum vitae

Recent preprints

For the whole list of my publications (scientific, didactic and popular), consult my publications page. See also Google Scholar.

Recent talks

For the topics, abstracts and slides, consult the list of my talks

Organization of events

More information about the events that I helped organize can be found on my organizing page


University Sorbonne Paris Nord

For more information and details, consult my teaching page



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Last update: October 2, 2024