Lionel Pournin - Links





EPFL's website: the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology where I did my PhD, under the supervision of Tom Liebling.

The Open Problems Project, maintained by Erik Demaine, Joseph Mitchell and Joseph O'Rourke lists a number of open problems in computational geometry, including that of flip-graph connectivity in which I am particularly interested.

The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, if you need to know what some sequence of integers stands for.

Theorem of the Day by Robin Whitty: here you will find a beautiful one page description of a theorem every day.

Infoscience, the scientific publications archive of the EPFL, where you will be able to download some of my articles.

... and two off-topic links:

The demoscene meeting place: and the webpage of a french manga editor, Ki-oon, which I recommend.

Coder colors, not real-time, but demo'ish! Sphero- simplices submitted to a central force eventually form a planet. Note the satellite! This movie was shown at the end of my PhD public defence talk.