Library Top.list_subst

This file is part of the IE library
Copyright (C) El Ouraoui, Mayero, Mazza
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details.

Require Export Terme.
Require Export List.
Require Import Coq.Sorting.Mergesort.
Require Import Orders.

merge, sort et tri décroissant

Module NatOrderInv <: TotalLeBool.

Definition t := nat.

Fixpoint leb x y :=
    match x, y with
    | _, 0 ⇒ true
    | 0, _false
    | S x', S y'leb x' y'
  Infix "<=?" := leb (at level 70).

Theorem leb_total : a1 a2, a1 <=? a2 a2 <=? a1.
End NatOrderInv.

Module Import NatSort := Sort NatOrderInv.

fv détermine un liste de variable libre dans t {}
Fixpoint fv_rec t{struct t}: nat list nat:=
fun k
  match t with
  |TVar imatch le_gt_dec k i with
              | left _i :: nil
              | right _nil
  | \usort (fv_rec u (S k))
  | u @ vmerge (sort (fv_rec u k)) (sort (fv_rec v k))
  | TSub u vmerge (sort (fv_rec u (S k))) (sort (fv_rec v k))

Definition fv t := fv_rec t 0.

Fixpoint list_substV t l {struct l} :=
  match l with
    | nilt
    |(u,i)::l'list_substV (t{i := TVar u}) l'

Fixpoint build_list l k :=
match l with
  | nilnil
  | i::l'((i+k), i)::(build_list l' k)

Définition de la fonction list_subst t{i0+k/i0}..{in+k/in}

Fixpoint list_substT t l i k :=
  match t with
    |TVar ilist_substV (TVar i) l
    |\u\(list_substT u (build_list (fv_rec u (S i)) k) (S i) k)
    | u @ v(list_substT u (build_list (fv_rec u i) k) i k) @ (list_substT v (build_list (fv_rec v i) k) i k)
    |TSub u vTSub (list_substT u (build_list (fv_rec u (S i)) k) (S i) k) (list_substT v (build_list (fv_rec v i) k) i k)

Lift_subst permet de voir un terme lifté comme une la substitution de toutes les variables libres de u par (in + j) où in est la n-ème variable libre de u.
lift_rec j u k = u{i0+j/i0}....{in+j/in} et {} = (fv u)

Lemma lift_subst: u:term, j k:nat, l:list nat,
                    l = (fv_rec u k) lift_rec j u k = list_substT u (build_list l j) k j.

Lemma shift_subst: u:term, j k:nat, l:list nat,
                     l = (fv u) shift u = list_substT u (build_list l 1) 0 1.

Lemme de commutativité auxiliaire
Lemme de commutativité de list_subst et lift

Lemma commut_lift_subst_list : t k j,
                                 list_substT (shift t) (build_list (fv_rec (shift t) (S k)) j) (S k) j =
                                 shift (list_substT t (build_list (fv_rec t k) j) k j).