Library Top.Sn_Axiomatic
This file is part of the IE library
Copyright (C) El Ouraoui, Mayero, Mazza
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
COPYING file for more details.
Axiomatisation de la normalisation forte
Parameter eta : term → nat.
Require Import NPeano.
Infix "=?" := Nat.eqb.
Ltac inv := inversion 1; subst; simpl; auto.
Definition SN := term → Prop.
Parameter sn : SN.
Axiom Ax1 : ∀ t : term,
(∀ t': term, t --> t' → sn t' ) →
sn t.
Axiom Ax2 : ∀ t t': term,
sn t → t --> t' →
(sn t' ∧ eta t' < eta t).
Axiom Ax2_stars : ∀ t t':term,
sn(t) → t -->* t' →
((sn t') ∧ (eta t' ≤ eta t) ).
Axiom renommage :
∀ t u : term,
sn (u ) ↔ sn ((shift u)).
Axiom renommage_subst :
∀ t u : term, ∀ i,
sn (t { i := u }) ↔ sn (t {i := (shift u)}).
Axiom eta_subst_eq :
∀ t u : term, ∀ i,
eta (t {i := u}) = eta (t {i := (shift u)}).
Require Import NPeano.
Infix "=?" := Nat.eqb.
Ltac inv := inversion 1; subst; simpl; auto.
Definition SN := term → Prop.
Parameter sn : SN.
Axiom Ax1 : ∀ t : term,
(∀ t': term, t --> t' → sn t' ) →
sn t.
Axiom Ax2 : ∀ t t': term,
sn t → t --> t' →
(sn t' ∧ eta t' < eta t).
Axiom Ax2_stars : ∀ t t':term,
sn(t) → t -->* t' →
((sn t') ∧ (eta t' ≤ eta t) ).
Axiom renommage :
∀ t u : term,
sn (u ) ↔ sn ((shift u)).
Axiom renommage_subst :
∀ t u : term, ∀ i,
sn (t { i := u }) ↔ sn (t {i := (shift u)}).
Axiom eta_subst_eq :
∀ t u : term, ∀ i,
eta (t {i := u}) = eta (t {i := (shift u)}).
Théorèmes issus de l'axiomatisation
Theorem Ax2_stars_sn : ∀ t t':term,
sn(t) → t -->* t' → (sn t').
Theorem Ax2_stars_eta : ∀ t t': term,
sn (t) → t -->* t' → eta t' ≤ eta t .
Theorem Th2 : ∀ t t': term,
sn t → t --> t' → (sn t').
Theorem Th3 : ∀ t t': term,
sn t → t --> t' → (eta t' < eta t).
Lemma sn_and_eta :
∀ t u : term,
sn (t {0 := u}) → sn (t {0 := (shift u)}) ∧
eta (t {0 := u}) = eta (t {0 := (shift u)}).
Theorem Ax2_bisl :∀ t t' u u': term,
sn (t {0 := u}) →
t {0 := u} --> t' {0 := u} →
(sn (t' {0 := u }) ∧
eta t' {0 := u } + eta u < eta t {0 := u} + eta u).