Library Top.reduction
This file is part of the IE library
Copyright (C) El Ouraoui, Mayero, Mazza
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
COPYING file for more details.
Inductive db : term → term → Prop :=
| DB_Lam : ∀ t u:term, db ((\t)@u) (t[u])
| DB_App : ∀ t u r s, db (t@u) r →
db ((shift t [s])@u) (shift r [s]).
Hint Resolve DB_Lam DB_App:IE.
Notation " t -->db t'" := (db t t') (at level 66).
Lemme de db partiel de lemme 2 de l'article
Inductive lsa_def (u :term): nat →term→term→Prop:=
| LSA_Var :∀ i,
lsa_def u i (TVar i) (shift u)
| LSA_Lam : ∀ t t':term,∀ i :nat,
lsa_def (shift u) (S i) t t' →
lsa_def u i (\t) (\t')
| LSA_AppLeft : ∀ t t' s:term,∀ i:nat,
lsa_def u i t t' →
lsa_def u i (t@s) (t'@s)
| LSA_AppRight : ∀ t t' s:term,∀ i:nat,
lsa_def u i t t' →
lsa_def u i (s@t) (s@t')
| LSA_SubExt : ∀ t t' s:term,∀ i:nat,
lsa_def u i t t' →
lsa_def u i (s[t]) (s[t'])
| LSA_SubInt : ∀ t t' s:term,∀ i:nat,
lsa_def (shift u) (S i) t t' →
lsa_def u i (t[s]) (t'[s]).
Hint Resolve LSA_Var LSA_Lam LSA_AppLeft LSA_AppRight LSA_SubExt LSA_SubInt :IE.
Définition de ls
Inductive lsa (i:nat) : term → term → Prop :=
| LSA : ∀ t t' u, lsa_def u i t t' → lsa i (t[u]) (t'[u]).
Lemma lsa_Hyp:
∀ t t' u,∀ i, lsa i (t[u]) (t'[u]) ↔ lsa_def u i t t'.
| LSA : ∀ t t' u, lsa_def u i t t' → lsa i (t[u]) (t'[u]).
Lemma lsa_Hyp:
∀ t t' u,∀ i, lsa i (t[u]) (t'[u]) ↔ lsa_def u i t t'.
lemme de ls partiel de lemme 2 de l'article
Lemma lsa_to_subst :
∀ t t',
∀ j:nat,
lsa 0 t t' →
∀ a :term,
lsa 0 t {(0+j) := a} t'{(0+j) := a}.
Definition ls := lsa 0 .
Notation " t -->ls t'" := (ls t t') (at level 66).
Lemma ls_to_subst : ∀ t t' ,∀ j:nat, t -->ls t' → ∀ a,
t { j := a } -->ls t' { j := a }.
∀ t t',
∀ j:nat,
lsa 0 t t' →
∀ a :term,
lsa 0 t {(0+j) := a} t'{(0+j) := a}.
Definition ls := lsa 0 .
Notation " t -->ls t'" := (ls t t') (at level 66).
Lemma ls_to_subst : ∀ t t' ,∀ j:nat, t -->ls t' → ∀ a,
t { j := a } -->ls t' { j := a }.
Inductive gc : term → term → Prop :=
| GC_Term : ∀ t u:term,
gc ((shift t)[u]) t.
Hint Resolve GC_Term: IE.
Notation " t -->gc t'" := (gc t t') (at level 66).
Lemme de gc partiel du lemme 2 de l'article
Inductive red : term → term → Prop :=
| DB : ∀ t t':term, t -->db t' → red t t'
| LS : ∀ t t':term, t -->ls t' → red t t'
| GC : ∀ t t':term, t -->gc t' → red t t'
| RedContextTAbs:
∀ t t':term,
red t t' →
red (\t) (\t')
| RedContextTAppLeft:
∀ t t' v:term,
red t t' →
red (t @ v) (t' @ v)
| RedContextTAppRight:
∀ v v' t:term,
red v v' →
red (t @ v) (t @ v')
| RedContextSubExt :
∀ t t' u:term,
red t t' →
red (t[u]) (t'[u])
| RedContextSubInt :
∀ t u u':term,
red u u' →
red (t[u]) (t[u']).
Notation " t --> t'" := (red t t') (at level 66).
Réduction star
Inductive red_star: term → term → Prop :=
| red_star_eq: ∀ t:term, red_star t t
| red_star_step: ∀ t u v:term,
red t u → red_star u v → red_star t v.
Notation " t -->* t'" := (red_star t t') (at level 66).
Hint Resolve DB LS GC RedContextTAbs RedContextTAppLeft RedContextTAppRight RedContextSubExt GC_Term: IE.
Theorem red_to_star:
∀ t u:term, (t --> u) → (t -->* u).
Theorem red_star_db:
∀ t t': term, t -->db t' → t -->* t'.
Theorem red_star_ls:
∀ t t': term,
t -->ls t' → t -->* t'.
Theorem red_star_gc:
∀ t t': term,
t -->gc t' → t -->* t'.
Theorem red_star_ContextTAbs:
∀ t t': term, t -->* t' → (\t) -->* (\t').
Theorem red_star_RedContextTAppLeft:
∀ t t' u: term, t -->* t' → (t @ u) -->* (t' @ u).
Theorem red_star_RedContextTAppRight:
∀ w w' t: term, w -->* w' → (t @ w) -->* (t @ w').
Theorem red_star_RedContextSubExt:
∀ t t' u: term, t -->* t' → (t[u]) -->* (t'[u]).
Theorem red_star_RedContextSubInt:
∀ w w' u:term, w -->* w' → (u[w]) -->* (u[w']).
Lemma red_app : ∀ t1 t1' t2 t2' ,
t1 -->* t1' → t2 -->* t2' → (t1 @ t2) -->* (t1' @ t2').
Lemma red_sub : ∀ t1 t1' t2 t2' ,
t1 -->* t1' → t2 -->* t2' → (t1[t2]) -->* (t1'[t2']).
Lemma lemme2' : ∀ t t', t --> t' → ∀ u k, t{k := u} --> t'{k := u}.
Lemma lemme2 : ∀ t t' u, t --> t' → t{0 := u} --> t'{0 := u}.
Lemma db_to_list_substT :
∀ u u' j k,
u -->db u' → (list_substT u (build_list (fv_rec u k) j) k j) -->db (list_substT u' (build_list (fv_rec u' k) j) k j).
Lemma lsa_to_list_substT :
∀ t1 t2 j k,
lsa 0 t1 t2 → lsa 0 (list_substT t1 (build_list (fv_rec t1 (0+k)) j) (0+k) j) (list_substT t2 (build_list (fv_rec t2 (0+k)) j) (0+k) j).
Lemma ls_to_list_subst :
∀ t1 t2 j,∀ k:nat, t1 -->ls t2 →
(list_substT t1 (build_list (fv_rec t1 k) j) (k) j) -->ls
(list_substT t2 (build_list (fv_rec t2 k) j) (k) j).
Lemma gc_to_list_substT : ∀ t1 t2, t1 -->gc t2 →∀ k j,
(list_substT t1 (build_list (fv_rec t1 k) j) k j) -->gc
(list_substT t2 (build_list (fv_rec t2 k) j) k j).
Lemma red_to_list_substT :
∀ j u u', u --> u' →
∀ k, (list_substT u (build_list (fv_rec u k) j) k j) -->
(list_substT u' (build_list (fv_rec u' k) j) k j).